Other mistake: Eddie describes her brain tumor as inoperable because her brain wraps itself around it like jellyfish. The German subtitles translate 'jellyfish' into 'eel in jelly'. (00:37:20)
Other mistake: In the alley scene immediately following the jail escape Dave and Wally are trying to open a door, Dave steps away from Wally and while looking away says "There's an alley!" Wally hollers out "Dave!" and Dave whips back around and says "I'm right here, I'm right here!" He wouldn't have been able to have heard his name being shouted since he is deaf. (00:39:00)
Other mistake: Watch closely as Investigator Natsuo kicks through the windshield and kicks the villain in the face. The villain's head caves in like it is made of cardboard.
Other mistake: When Ana's fiance lands to pick them up, the Cessna that he flew could only fit five people and that would be three people pushed together in the back. Also that particular plane can't take off in that short of a distance.
Other mistake: When Ariel is at the dinner table with Eric and Grimsby, Ariel takes Grimsby's pipe and blows it in his face, yet when he wipes his face there isn't any black stuff on his hankie.
Other mistake: In addition to the brake lights, there are no lights at all on the back of the car when you see it driven from behind. However, you can see that the lights are on from the front of the car.
Other mistake: During the Battle of Agincourt, the same shots of soldiers being killed are used several times. Most noticeably there is one poor French soldier who dies from an arrow in his back at least twice.
Other mistake: A shot of Karen on the exercise bike is used twice: the first time is out of order with the following shots because her hair is long, then short, then long again. The same shot is used to depict a few years later.
Other mistake: The ripped-out section of the poetry books looks to be at least 15-20 pages, yet when the waste-basket is passed around, each boy only tosses in one or two sheets, and the floor is no longer littered with paper.
Other mistake: In the scene where Miss Daisy asks Hoke if he has had the air conditioning checked, the car they are in doesn't have air conditioning, as there are no clear tubes that transition the airflow from the rear package shelf to the ceiling vents that aren't there.
Other mistake: In the opening scene in the office, when Andrew McCarthy says, "Let's go to the beach" and runs off, you can see that the other guy's PC, which he has been working on, has no power cable plugged in.
Other mistake: When the girls tell Harley that Carson has taken a bus back to Spartenburg, he says that is the middle of the night, however it is daylight outside.
Other mistake: When the car blasts out the container, the pallets which the money was on, don't come out with the money.
Other mistake: When the mastermind is first shown behind his screen, he inflicts spittle onto one of his gang members by saying "plan is preceding perfectly." However, the mastermind is talking from behind a screen, and thus it would be impossible to get them.
Other mistake: When Harry is being spun round on the ceiling fan you can see that they aren't moving fast enough to hold his body in a stretched out position,especially considering his bulk.
Other mistake: In the beginning of the scene where Gage is killed by the Orinco truck, the truck leaves the plant. The number on the trailer is marked T-80. In the scene, the truck rolls over in the accident. In later scenes where Rachel hitches a ride home with another Orinco truck, the number on the trailer is also marked T-80.
Other mistake: When Amy hits the button to tell her dad that breakfast is ready, he tries to type "I'll be down in five minutes." However, the message on the strip of paper says "I'll be down in five mimmicks." Amy says, "Typing with his gloves on again." Even if someone was typing with their gloves on, the blatant misspelling would not happen.
Other mistake: In the Italian dub, the kids at the birthday party vociferously ask for their hero; Tree Man instead of the original He-Man. He-Man was very popular in Italy too at the time, it was not an obscure reference that needed any adaptation - not that there is or was any character named Tree or Tri Man in Italian pop culture.
Other mistake: At the bus station Hayley manages to score 25250 at Double Dragon. Jimmy needs to beat this score so Corey gets his $6.70. During the Double Dragon montage of Jimmy playing trying to beat Hayley's score, the first footage we see of the score, its already at 27850. Strangely Corey waits till Jimmy is at 29920 until he's satisfied that Hayley's score is beaten and he snatches her money from her hands.
Other mistake: Near the end of the movie there is a montage scene of acceptance letters being printed followed by the reactions of the various people who received the letters. Despite these form letters being sent on the same day the date on some of the letters is April 11, 1988 and the date on others say April 11, 1989.