Best horror movie stupidity of 1989

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The Burbs picture

Stupidity: When Rumsfeld is on his roof as a look out, he has a clear view of the neighborhood, even at night. However when the Klopeks first come home that night (and realise that someone is in their house), Rumsfeld fails to notice their car until they return again with the police. (01:20:00)

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Halloween 5 picture

Stupidity: It seems stupid on the part of the hermit to keep Michael in his shack for over a year given he tried to strangle him and was bleeding that night. He should've gone to the police.


More Halloween 5 stupidity
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland picture

Stupidity: The murder during the opening scene is ridiculous. Angela chases a screaming woman down an alleyway, in broad daylight, in front of crowds of witnesses, while driving a truck, runs her over, then throws her body in the back of the truck and then waits right next to the alley where she murdered the girl to be picked up by the van headed to the camp. At no point did any one of the numerous people on the street try to help the girl or even just investigate the alley to see if she was hurt (supposing it was an accident) or just call the police?

Jack Vaughan

More Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland stupidity
Nightmare Beach picture

Stupidity: Skip makes it to the junkyard where Gail and the killer are in Det Strycher's police car. He then climbs over the barbed wire fence instead of ramming through it in the police car.


More Nightmare Beach stupidity

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