Trivia: Clark Griswold in the attic watching old movies dressed in a woman's turban and gloves to keep warm is not only funny but a reference to the Norma Desmond character from "Sunset Boulevard", who watches her old films to remember her Hollywood glory days.

Trivia: In an interview, the director stated that hoverboards were real, but they weren't on the market because parents didn't like the idea of floating children. He said this as a joke, but this didn't stop mass hysteria as thousands of kids went from store to store looking for hoverboards.

Trivia: The sound of Vigo growling is exactly the same growl that the terror dogs from the first Ghostbusters make.

Trivia: The scene where Macaulay Culkin was waiting at the door for the babysitter and imagined the three burglars was the scene that inspired the box-office hit, Home Alone. (01:16:10)

Trivia: During one of Stanley's Clubhouses, Stanley sprays whipped cream into an audience member's mouth. This is Dr. Demento, the first DJ to put Weird Al on his station. (00:54:50)

Trivia: In the famous faked orgasm scene, the woman who says, "I'll have what she's having. . ." is Rob Reiner's mother.

Trivia: At 80 years old in 1990, Jessica Tandy became the oldest actress to win an Oscar for "Best Actress" and the oldest person to win an Oscar in an acting role.

Trivia: Bernie's two story house was built specifically for this movie at a state park in North Carolina, but was torn down right after filming, as per the agreement before filming.

Trivia: In this film, to get back at Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas saws off all the heels of his wife's shoes; in the film "Romancing the Stone", which was filmed earlier, Michael Douglas, using a machete, chops the heels off Kathleen Turner's shoes for practical purposes.

Trivia: Gromit was originally supposed to be a cat, but it was decided that a dog was easier to sculpt from plasticine.

Trivia: On the promotional movie poster, a frazzled Steve Martin is shown holding 2 children upside down by their ankles. On the set, sometimes the children would get unruly, so as a joke, Steve Martin once grabbed 2 of the unruly children and actually held them upside down by their ankles. Director Ron Howard saw this and decided it would make a funny promotional picture, so that's where he got the idea for it.

Trivia: Take a look at the tall Redfeather girl who pals around with the shorter blonde one- it's a young Tori Spelling.

Trivia: Peter Jackson ran out of budget money during production, so the Vietnam flashback was filmed, under a separate budget, as 'The Frogs of War', and then incorporated into the film.

Trivia: There is a scene where the camera slowly pans, facing the floor of a grocery store, until we see a pile of newspapers waiting to be sold with the headlines describe a heat wave invading the city. This shot reportedly took weeks to film to get the proper lighting.

Trivia: Mollie's father was played by Louis Heckerling, father of the film's director Amy Heckerling.

Trivia: Sean Connery plays Dustin Hoffman's father in the movie, even though in real life he's only seven years older than Hoffman.

Trivia: In the open-matte print, right after the credits, the support beams of the movie lot walls are visible, painted in blue to simulate the sky. In the theatrical version and the current Disney+ streaming movie's original aspect ratio (bottom picture), one can still see the beams for a split second after the postman puts the letter in the mailbox (though there's no way here to identify them as lot walls).