Stevie: And when she turned it on it shot that metal thing right up into her face, shot it up just like a gun. Isn't that bad? It shot it up right through her eyeball.

Viktor Rostavili: We both have our codes, Vanya. Yours, one of the State. Mine, one of thieves.

The Tall Man: You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us.

Harry Washello: I was just wondering if you know if anyone here had a son named Chip.
Stewardess: I had an uncle named Chett.

Sydney Fuller: I just wanted to spend the night with you, not Eternity.

Charley Brewster: It was a performance.
Peter Vincent: She cast no reflection.

Vermeer: What do you think she meant when she said a huge black monster with giant claws?
Eric Visser: I don't know, but I hope your mother-in-law has an alibi.
Vermeer: UGH.

Wyatt Earp: It's all true, give or take a lie or two.

Freddy Krueger: Sayonara, Rick-san.

Brian Flagg: In the meantime, we're your prisoners?
Dr. Meddows: Not at all, you're my patients.