Visible crew/equipment: When the Critters are in the restaurant, The Hungry Heffer, as the camera pans across some Critters eating lettuce and other food. If you look closely, you can see one of the puppeteers hands coming out of the bottom of a critter puppet. The puppeteer is wearing a dark shirt with what look like gloves.
Visible crew/equipment: As Jake is lifting weights in the bedroom, someone can be seen in the mirror behind him, opening the bedroom door.
Visible crew/equipment: When a very powerful gust of wind blows Jack out of the castle, a support wire can be seen attached to him.
Visible crew/equipment: When the Ghost of Christmas Present settles to the ground after floating down the stairs at Frank's brother's house, you get a brief glimpse of the wires attached to her back.
Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film, when Ernest comes in with the sleigh, the camera moves down to ground level as the actors on the ground are shouting at him. When the camera is descending, it creates a shadow on several of the characters as well as the ground.
Visible crew/equipment: When Nicolas Cage returns to his apartment, you can see a crew member reflected in the mirror on the wall right after Cage passes in front of it. (00:11:35)
Visible crew/equipment: When Guarino is being taken away by The Hunter, you can see the rope used to pull him in the upper right corner of the screen. (00:46:05)
Visible crew/equipment: A boom mic is visible when Charlie and Scully are talking while walking. (00:16:00)
Visible crew/equipment: In the desert, when the car knocks out Jack and stops, a boom mic is reflected on the driver's door.
Visible crew/equipment: When Daisy and Kat are in Kat's bedroom, Daisy is looking in the mirror and you can see one of the production crew members in the mirror.