Audio problem: This error occurs right after Jesse enters the house after having Bullet towed home. In the kitchen, when Joey says the line, "Jess, I've never seen your face this shade of green before", Joey's lips appear to be saying something else entirely.

Audio problem: When Riker leaves Deanna and Wyatt at the holodeck you hear the door. You don't hear it a minute ago, when Wyatt enters the holodeck - he just appears. (00:27:30 - 00:28:15)

Audio problem: In the "Pilot" part 1, when Hanson is chasing the car we see him on his CB, yet in the shot of the car the driver's hands are on the wheel, but you can still hear Hanson talking on the CB.

Audio problem: When Donatello tries to stop April from leaving the sewers after she accuses them of committing the robberies, he is speaking in Raphael's voice. (00:10:35)