Factual error: If the Russian cosmonauts need special suits to survive out in space, so should Lacy when she is abducted by Nuclear Man. (00:02:50 - 01:20:20)

Factual error: The heat from Dutch's body would warm the mud up in a matter of seconds (tested by the Mythbusters). It doesn't even cover all of his skin or his eyes. And the Predator isn't filtering his input for only large heat sources. His normal vision tracks in on a rat hiding just above Dutch.

Factual error: After Robocop stops the criminal from robbing the convenience store by bending his machine gun, the robber tries to run past him, only to get clotheslined by Robocop. The direction the robber flies after getting hit defies all physics. (00:35:15)

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie just prior to the Bakersfield Massacre, the camera cuts away from Arnold periodically and shows a computer schematic for his location. The very first coordinate that we see is 29º, 43' N by 119º 23' W and is off the coast of Baja California. The last coordinate that we see is 45º 4' N by 119 8' W and is in north-east Oregon. So, in the 35 seconds or so between these scenes, Arnold's helicopter traveled approximately 1050 miles. That's one fast helicopter. This cannot be explained by saying that they just shortened the trip for the movie because in the first computer schematic you see Bakersfield in the distance which is certainly not 1050 miles away. (00:01:35 - 00:02:10)

Factual error: The Joes chase Cobra into the snowy mountains and attack inside the weird cave. One of the Joe's vehicles splits to a driving section, and Road Block flying up in a little fighter. Road Block is holding a large rifle with both hands, yet the fighter goes up and turns around and begins flying at his control but he never touches a steering wheel or anything. Just his big gun. And he does not speak so no voice commands are given. How is he flying with no hands? (00:19:40)

Factual error: Sam neglects to cock his gun before he shoots Old Cheif Woodenhead. (00:24:40)

Factual error: In the farmhouse bedroom scene, the lead character wakes up and a close up shot of the alarm clock shows it is 5AM. Full sunlight is coming through the window, and an exterior shot shows the sun shining on the house and hay bales. The narrative lead-in just explained that it is early October on a farm near Dallas, Texas. The earliest sunrise occurs near Dallas in October is 6:40AM. (00:04:00)

Factual error: In the movie's opening scene, it's night and we see the full moon. There's an elderly priest lying in bed. The next morning we learn the priest has suffered a stroke and been taken to the hospital. That day, Prof. Birack pauses before entering a campus building to look toward the sun. We see a thin crescent moon near the sun, as if there will be an eclipse in the next few days. That night, Brian is waiting outside a campus building for Catherine to come out. He looks up at the full moon. In following days, other characters see the daytime crescent moon, still approaching the sun. It's impossible to see the full moon at night AND a crescent moon during the day in that brief a time span. It would be more like 12-14 days for the lunar phase cycle to progress from one to the other (much less back again).