Easter egg: On the main DVD menu screen, when play is highlighted, press up. You will highlight one of the crystals. Press enter, and it will take you to a screen with a bunch of different character's faces. Press enter on any of them, it will give you a soundbite from that character. Also, you can highlight the two crystals on the bottom of that page that are on either side of the main menu option that will give you two other soundbites. On the main menu screen, you can't seem to highlight the other crystal. I don't know why.

Easter egg: On the 2 disc Collectors Edition, on Disc 2, under the "Inside the Predator" sub menu, use the arrow keys to go "Up" from the Classified Action selection & the Predators aiming icon will appear next to the title (the 3 red dots the Predator uses to target his weapon with). It will run a brief 2 minute video entitled "Jesse's Ultimate Goal". In it Jesse explains what he wants to do in Hollywood & why he thinks can make the switch from wrestling to acting. He says he would like to work with Robert DeNiro.