Revealing mistake: When Inigo and Westley are duelling, they are making athletic jumps. One does it after the other and when they land you can see the mat wrinkle under the "dirt" on the ground.

Revealing mistake: Look closely at the footage when the vampires are entering the cave. Later when they are exiting the cave, the waves are flowing backwards. The same footage has been reversed. (01:17:05)

Revealing mistake: When Jack is hanging out of the truck you can see him standing on the hood of the car which Lydia is driving. At some points we get camera view from the back seat of the car. In some angles the mirror inside the car disappear. This is to prevent us from seeing the camera. (01:04:15)

Revealing mistake: When Goldie Hawn pushes Kurt Russell off the boat you can see he has flippers on in the water.

Revealing mistake: During the "Mondo Condo" scene, the books and vases on the bookcase seem to be glued on because as the bookcase falls on Arsenio Hall, when the camera shot is in his point of view, nothing falls off as the bookcase hits the ground.

Revealing mistake: When David drives through the outer wall of the bakery products store, in the side shot the wall first bends, then it breaks as the car goes through. Also, the next back shot is a repetitive action, although the window breaks quite differently in both shots. (00:50:45)

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film, when Neal is on the final L train home, we see the train pull away from the station. When Neal returns to the station to find Del, the footage of the train leaving is played backwards - you can briefly see a man walking backwards at the top left of the screen.

Revealing mistake: When we see Dark Helmets' hoverjeep in the desert, watch the front end: you can clearly make out the edge of the mirrored box they used for the "hover" effect.

Revealing mistake: When being chased down the street and Jackie is in the horse carriage, he throws a guy through a window. You can see the glass has been pre shattered and therefore easier to break.

Revealing mistake: When the eye is flying toward Bobby Jo, you can see the rig holding the eye as it flies and the wire when it enters her mouth. (00:41:45)

Revealing mistake: The Eternia out-door scenes depicting the conquest of the Castle Grayskull area are actually one long shot subdivided into smaller parts. Look at the captured Eternian soldiers marched to the castle; they cover very little distance between the shots.

Revealing mistake: When Sweet Chuck is sitting on a bench in the gym reading a paper, the big heavy comes down and sits next to him. Sweet Chuck goes flying up in the air a second before the big guy sits down.

Revealing mistake: As Hi is racing after the baby, a close-up of his tired face driving the brown Caprice shows the gear selector is in "Park".

Revealing mistake: During the car chase scene the cops shoot out the rear window of the convicts car, it is obvious that someone smashes the window with a hammer or crowbar from inside the car.(view in slow motion).

Revealing mistake: At the New Years Eve Party, Cindy gets drunk and starts looking for a bedroom to lay down in. As she opens bedroom doors, she interrupts couples making out. When she interrupts one couple there is a shoe thrown at the door, supposedly from inside the room. If you look closely you can see that the shoe is actually thrown from behind Cindy's head outside the bedroom door.

Revealing mistake: When Derek falls and is rolling down the cliff, it is a very clear dummy. It's legs and arms are in a stiff seated position. (00:23:15)

Revealing mistake: When Shoop first meets his students, he asks the pregnant girl why her grades went from A's to C's, and she stands up to reveal that she's pregnant. When she does, she pats her tummy once and it makes a loud, hollow sound like someone smacking a basketball.

Revealing mistake: When Ali Gator and Windy Winston are coming back from the barfight riding the atv's, Ali scratches his head and you can see where the green glove ends and the actors real skin is supposed to be, under the shirt.

Revealing mistake: Toward the end, after Ricky decapitates the old Mother Superior, a young nun assumes she is alive and taps her shoulder. Mother Superior's head falls off and to the floor. There is no blood whatsoever. The old woman had just been decapitated moments earlier, and there isn't even a drop of blood, not even on the white part of her nun outfit at the neck.

Revealing mistake: Shelly Long and Bette Midler are running on the beach trying to get in the helicopter's light. In the far shot, when they are running out from under some structure, you can EASILY see that it is two men in drag. They are taller, a bit more "husky" and are having a hard time running in heels.