Continuity mistake: When Del comes out of the passenger side of the dairy truck, he is with a black eye, for no reason. The next scene, it is not there. It is there again when he admits to being homeless. (Steve Martin punched Del in a deleted scene.)

Continuity mistake: There is a scene where the Chipmunks and Chipettes are singing the song "Girls of Rock and Roll." In that scene, it shows the boys walking up the stairs together and from left to right the order is: Simon, Alvin & Theodore. The shot goes to the girls then back to the guys. The order of the guys has switched: (left to right) Theodore, Alvin & Simon.

Continuity mistake: After Montoya has hauled Wesley to the top of the cliff, he drops the rope on the ground, where it lands forming a couple of coils. You can see this as Wesley sits down and Montoya leans up against the wall. However, when they start their duel, the rope is hanging straight off the cliff, without any coils in it.

Continuity mistake: The head of Mega-Maid mysteriously shrinks in size. After Spaceball-1 transforms into Mega-Maid, the head is gigantic enough for a Winnebago to fly through for a considerable length of time. However, later on in the film, after the head has been jettisoned and crashed on a beach, the head is only big enough to hold a few dozen people. This can be determined by the size of the people coming out of her nose.

Continuity mistake: After Mac has stabbed the scorpion that was on Dillon's back, he puts on a box and crushes it with his boot. You see a clear picture before he crushes it and then after he lifts his boot away. It is facing a completely different direction than before he stands on it. (00:32:25)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when the photo of the Master is broken, the pieces of glass change position and then disappear altogether.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, after Dennis Quaid has been beaten up, the pins on his jacket are pinned, then hanging askew, then pinned again. (00:03:55)

Continuity mistake: When Hi, Gale and Evelle are sitting in the trailer talking about robbing the bank, watch the newspaper on Hi's lap. It goes from being folded to being fully opened in his hands between shots.

Continuity mistake: When Sam goes into "The Sinker" bar, he goes over and talks to Stacy at the table. When he slips Stacy a photo of the Cherry 2000, between a wideshot and closeup the glasses on the table around Stacy change, as he looks at the photo. (00:22:05)

Continuity mistake: When Kevin is cleaning up in the kitchen, he puts a load of Burger King related rubbish into the sink. In the next shot as Evil-Lyn enters the kitchen, the sink is now empty.

Continuity mistake: Nuclear Man dents the floor with his footsteps, but in a wider angle the floor is intact.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, Bond sees the bad guy get into a truck and drive off. He chases after him, about 20 m behind. They're travelling on parallel roads, Bond running, and the bad guy driving (quite fast). But when Bond's road runs out, he manages to jump on top of the truck, having miraculously caught up with him.

Continuity mistake: When Chris, Brad and Sarah are watching TV in the living room you can hear a scene from the movie Halloween but there is something totally different on the TV. Also, as Chris starts to leave later on, there are several shots of the TV and Halloween is now on screen but the scene being shown is the same one that was heard earlier.

Continuity mistake: When Valerie Vomit is about to steal the Pepsi truck, we see the driver standing behind the truck. In the next closeup we see a cord attached to his pants and the truck, which, as a result, rips his pants off as Valerie speeds off with the truck. Yet in the shot previous to this, there was no cord attached to his pants or the truck. (00:29:20)

Continuity mistake: After Sierge has killed the Tsjude behind Aigin, the Tsjude falls on top of Aigin. As Aigin shakes the Tsjude off, you can see the Tsjude's arm down by his waist. As it cuts, his arm is suddenly pointing away from his body. (00:47:35)

Continuity mistake: In the opening battle sequence, Cobra Commander takes a bomb and sets it for 3:00 minutes. As he flies with his jet pack to the Statue of Liberty, it counts down to 2:58. He lands and places the bomb, and laser blasts hit all around him before he turns and flies off. This takes about 5 seconds to do, but the timer on the bomb stays at 2:58 for the full time of him landing, placing the bomb, and flying away. (00:01:35)