Best sci-fi movie quotes of 1986

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Aliens picture

[All ammunition has been confiscated.]
Marine: What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?.

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Howard the Duck picture

Phil: Get out of there! Duck!
Howard: And proud of it.

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Night of the Creeps picture

Detective Cameron: Corpses that have been dead for twenty-seven years do not get up and go for a walk by themselves.

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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home picture

Spock: They like you very much, but they are not the hell "your" whales.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: I suppose they told you that.
Spock: The hell they did.

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Short Circuit picture

Number 5: Hey, laser lips! Your momma was a snow-blower.

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The Wraith picture

Sheriff Loomis: You listen to me, you son-of-a-bitch! There's a kid out there usin' his car to kill people, not that it's such a big deal since it seems to be your gang he's got it in for... so, if you guys try to take the law into your own hands, and that killer turns up dead, I'm gonna see you all sniffin' cyanide in the Arizona gas chamber.

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Castle in the Sky picture

Uncle Pomme: The earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand.

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Little Shop of Horrors picture

Seymour: It's true! I chopped him up. But I didn't kill him.

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Highlander picture

Connor MacLeod: I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.

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Flight of the Navigator picture

Max: I crashed into electrical towers and my star charts were erased. I need the ones in your head to complete my mission.
David: So you need me and my inferior brain to fly that thing?
Max: Correction, I need the superior information in your inferior brain to fly this... thing.

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Maximum Overdrive picture

Brett: If you don't get your hand off my leg, you're going to be wiping your ass with a hook next time you take a dump.
Camp Loman: I never heard no talk like that when I was a boy.

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Critters picture

Ug: We're here for the Crites.

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Space Camp picture

Jinx: Max and Jinx... Friends... For-e-ver.

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Transformers: The Movie picture

Starscream: Oh, how it pains me to do this!
Megatron: Wait, I still function!
Starscream: Wanna bet?

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The Manhattan Project picture

Jenny Anderman: This isn't funny. Do you know what this is like? It's like when you read about, I don't know, Anne Frank or something and you say to yourself, Jesus why didn't they do something. The whole world is collapsing. They just sat around, life as usual, maybe it'll go away, but it never goes away it only gets worse and nobody thinks about the future. What's the matter?
Paul Stephens: Who's Anne Frank?

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From Beyond picture

Buford 'Bubba' Brownlee: All this talking about eating is making me hungry.

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The Fly picture

Seth Brundle: I think you're making a mistake. I think you really want to talk to me.
Ronnie: Sorry, I have three other interviews to do before this party's over.
Seth Brundle: Yeah, but they're not working on something that'll change the world as we know it.
Ronnie: They say they are.
Seth Brundle: Yeah, but they're lying. I'm not.

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Black Moon Rising picture

Marvin Ringer: Mr. Quint and I go back a ways. We used to be, what, in competition?
Quint: I never considered you competition, Marvin.
Marvin Ringer: Aw, that's not nice Quint. We had our moments.
Quint: You must have had yours in private.

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Chopping Mall picture

Ferdy: Look, I'm sorry if I made you angry, Linda.
Linda: It's not you, Ferdy. I'm just not used to be chased around a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots.


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