Audio problem: A soda can that is supposed to be full hits the man. When the can hits the ground you can hear that it's empty.

Audio problem: When the guys are emptying the latrine and the California guy gives his "I broke 100" speech, his mouth movements don't match the words. (00:28:00)

Audio problem: Reference the dialogue in the hangar where Mav/Goose and Charlie are discussing what was happening when they met the MiG, and Goose says "You know, the finger." In the original 1985 cinema release, Charlie replies "Yes, I know the finger, Lieutenant," but in the video release this has been changed to "Yes, I know the finger, Goose." If you look closely you'll see that her lips don't move when she enunciates the word "Goose," and if you listen carefully you can hear the edit change in the soundtrack between "finger," and "Goose."

Audio problem: When Terry enters the Queen's Ball with another man, the man says to his wife "You're getting very shrill," yet his mouth isn't in sync. (00:48:55)

Audio problem: When Cort is taking off with the caravan you hear the wheels squeal. However he is driving on mud so that would be impossible. (00:37:25)

Audio problem: After the man is pushed into the pond, the main characters run away. While they are running, pay attention to the panting noises made by the woman. They do not match her mouth.

Audio problem: When Kup and Hot Rod are smashing up the Sharkticons, Kup says something, (I think it's after he rips the tail off one of them), his mouth doesn't match what he says.

Audio problem: When Brad puts his plate on the floor, the cat comes out from under the bed. You can hear it meow, but it's mouth doesn't move. (00:22:50)

Audio problem: When Spence jumps into his car to escape Binkey at the racetrack, he just jumps in the car, puts it in gear and drives off. He never started the car up: the car is not shown during a brief cut to the actress, but there is no start-up noise. (00:07:30)

Audio problem: During the scene where Abdul is having Ingrid read the names of the Jews to be called up to first class cabin, Moustafa is arguing with the two nuns about another passenger who claims he is not Jewish. The nuns are telling Moustafa that "this man is telling the truth" and you can hear Moustafa yelling back, "Sit down, we know what we are doing" at least twice, but on both occasions it is very clear his lips don't match what he is saying.

Audio problem: When the Daggers get off the bus after chasing the main character a disembodied voice says, "I know where there ramp is." No one on screen is talking and the voice sounds nothing like any of the characters.

Audio problem: Halsey tries to get the family in the station wagon's attention by honking his horn. After the near-collision with the bus, the horn honks in a different note.

Audio problem: The sounds of the weapons being used in the movie are evidently inserted in most cases. Like 1) When MacLeod fights Fasil in the Madison Square Garden garage, he uses an iron bar to ward off the sword blows - the twin sounds in both impacts are exactly the same, but in the second instance, the bar is hit only once. 2) When MacLeod and Brenda are ambushed by Kurgan, MacLeod swings a cable or chain at Kurgan. The sounds are exactly like those of the swinging swords.

Audio problem: In the beginning of the scene where the soldiers are eating in the mess hall, the soundtrack of background noise is played, then repeated.

Audio problem: During the training to defeat the champion from Soviet Russia, Bruce Lee says "This time I'll kick YOU", but the phrase is out of synch. (01:00:05)

Audio problem: When Oggie races the Turbo interceptor, the engine sounds for his car are from a V8, though his Chrysler Daytona is powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder.

Audio problem: When Howard's couch is about to be sent backwards he says "What is going on here?" but he's not mouthing the lines.