Other mistake: In one of the first scenes in the study, Mr. Boddy hands each guest a weapon and then proceeds to turn out the lights. The room is thrown into complete darkness. Unfortunately, there is a roaring fire in the fireplace that would have illuminated the room enough for everyone to see what was going on.

Other mistake: When Cindy asks 'What did you do with Sully?', surely she must have known he'd been dropped off the cliff as she was standing about five metres away? (00:40:00)

Other mistake: During the mine scene, we see Stacy Sutton in very tight miner's overalls. Then, Mayday rips them off to reveal the white dress she was wearing beforehand. There was not enough room in those tight overalls to hike up or bunch the skirt in any way for her to move her legs or have both legs in both pant legs. (01:47:05)

Other mistake: During a scene shot on the bridge, you see two vehicles pull up - later you see that another vehicle has arrived with reinforcements in an aerial shot. At this time, you see a man firing a automatic weapon, and then one of his fellow soldiers crossing directly into his line of fire, but the man is not hit.

Other mistake: Before the wolf changes back into Evil Ed you can see the black cables pulling the fake wolf across the carpet.

Other mistake: At the carnival, the duo is told by the carny that they get seven rings for a dollar, but the only get five.
Suggested correction: The carny never says anything about how many rings a player gets. He only tells them the way to win, by getting a ring on a bottle.
When he's leaning up against the poke he says "Here we are folks. Seven hoops for a dollar."
I stand corrected. I just rewatched the scene. He does in fact say seven for a dollar. Interestingly, it's clear he hands Chun five rings, but when the rings are shown on the bottle, SIX are shown.

Other mistake: When Morris is chasing the ambulance on his bicycle, he gets pushed/bumped towards the picnic table. As he tumbles over the table into the water you can see handle bars attached to the bicycle, however whilst Morris is flying through the air (separately to the bicycle), he is holding a second set of handle bars in his hands. (00:42:50)
Suggested correction: He grabbed onto the handrail bar on the back of the ambulance. That bar broke off, which is why he went straight when the ambulance turned (and the why he has a look of surprise on his face). It's that bar he's seen holding, not handlebars.

Other mistake: If Freddy ripped his scalp off, it would be his skull, not his bare brain. It's not like he pulled both of them off at once. Freddy's got a skull, as we saw when Tina took his face off in the first film, so why is the top of it missing in this one?
Suggested correction: This scene takes place within Jesse's nightmare, which is Freddy's domain, so Freddy can manipulate any detail he wants, in this case, exposing his brain without cutting open his skull.

Other mistake: Most of the obvious misses and awkward parts of the action in the opening can be attributed to the fact that it is revealed a few minutes later being just a drill. However, it does not make sense on any level. The training makes use of live explosives, and at the same time no gunshots are fired but only grenades, with unrealistic trajectories and range. The 'terrorists' don't use their rifles if not to try and bash the good guys on their skulls. That's quite the subpar training, but the top brass are impressed.