Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the flight, every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. In this case happening within seconds of takeoff the pilot would immediately declare an emergency, turn around and land at the airport he had just left. (00:22:10)

Factual error: When Rambo plays possum then suddenly takes out the Russian officer's Hind Helicopter he uses an M72A2 light anti-tank weapon (LAW). When fired, the M72A2 has a back blast that can kill out to 100 feet, which means he would have either blown up his own helicopter or killed all the MIA's he had rescued...

Factual error: When the evangelist first enters the mansion, Mrs. Peacock calls him a beatnik. However, the movie is set in 1954, and the word "beatnik" was not coined until 1958. (01:15:25)

Factual error: The train consists of four locomotives, but close ups beaneath the train show the wheels of freight cars.

Factual error: When Bond crashes the snowmobile he ends up in a ditch to escape - he uses the front ski, but when he knocks the two soldiers over he is skiing uphill - no way to manage this from a standing start in a ditch. (00:03:07)

Factual error: When Rachel and Samuel leave for Philadelphia by train the train overtakes Daniel's cart after quite a while. That's not possible since Daniel was still standing on the platform when the train left the station. (00:08:45)

Factual error: Softball games are played with only seven innings.

Factual error: During the baseball game in the beginning if you look in the background you can see several palm trees in the background. The movie takes place in Ohio where there are no palm trees. (00:09:15 - 00:10:05)
Suggested correction: Ohio is never specified as the state where the Nightmare movies take place until later in the series. As long as the state is unspecified as it is in Nightmare 2 and 1, visible palm trees are not a mistake.
All the films are supposed to take place in the same city. So if part 6 takes place in Springwood, Ohio, than so does this one.
While it would be true that the location in all previous films are now Ohio, it's hard to say if it's a mistake for the first 5 films, especially if there's no evidence for it being set in Ohio and evidence points to California. It would be more appropriate to make an entry in the 6th film saying the Ohio location contradicts what has been already seen. Otherwise, you would have to make a mistake entry every time the first 5 films reveal it's not set in Ohio, but filmed in California.
Suggested correction: Per the screenplays, the first two movies take place in Los Angeles.
I believe it was Wes Craven's intention to mention it's set in Los Angeles, but the actual script and film never state where Elm Street is located. It was an un-named suburb.

Factual error: After the car chase in the film, as the car leaves a mess of vehicles behind it, it is obvious that the directional flow of the "props" traffic was on the left side of the highway, as if the film was shot in England. But it was shot in USA. The direction signs on this Los Angeles highway are also not visible to the traffic. Drivers would have to look back to see what exit they just missed.

Factual error: The fence surrounding the HARP facility that Remo and Conn break into is supposedly electrified. Not possible - it is a standard chain link fence affixed directly to aluminum posts driven into the ground. If it were electrified it would have to be insulated from the posts; the way it is shown in the film, the electricity would shunt into the ground. When the front-end loader hits it, a plume of firework-like sparks erupts from the point of impact. Also not possible - there was nothing in the bucket of the loader to detonate and the metal hitting against the electrified fence would, at most, cause some small electrical arcs.

Factual error: Peter Coyote describes the killer as "not a psychopath. He's an ice man," implying the killer is too calculating and manipulative to be considered a psychopath. This is a common misconception: a cool and calculating manipulator is exactly the standard profile for a psychopath. Most people who make this mistake are usually conflating psychopathy with psychosis (or being "psychotic"), when those are actually two separate and quite different conditions.

Factual error: When Steel (the bearded soldier) is cornered by the zombies, he realizes he's doomed and shoots himself in the head. The problem is he is using a Colt M1911 series handgun and the hammer was up when he shot himself. The gun has to be cocked before it can be fired. (01:30:00)

Factual error: When Cressner falls and lands on the horn, it makes the same pronounced honk sound as when he had honked it at Norris. In reality this wouldn't be possible because the bell of the horn was compressed on landing when Cressner threw it out the window earlier, so the sound would've been higher pitched, if it was still able to make a noise at all.