Audio problem: When Chunk flags down the car for help, he finds Jake Fratelli, who begins to sing loudly in Italian. Chunk screams, and as we hear Jake continue singing, we see his reflection in the side-view mirror as he is smoking a cigarette silently. (00:49:00)

Audio problem: The carts the guards are chasing Pee-Wee in are electric, which we see when they first get to them and have to unplug them. However throughout the entire chase scene we distinctly hear gas engine sounds. (01:12:30)

Audio problem: Lorraine comes to see Marty in Doc's garage in 1955 to ask him if he will go to the dance with her. Just before Lorraine moves to the other side of the car from where she walked in, she begins to say something to Marty. The problem is that her lips don't move when she talks, I guess the right clip ended up on the editing room floor. (01:11:40)

Audio problem: When Tik Tok lets the Wheeler go, as the Wheeler skates off he is laughing and saying "Behave." His mouth is clearly out of sync with the audio, however. (00:39:15)

Audio problem: After Wish Bear announces that Kim and Jason will be adopted by new parents, Cheer Bear turns around and exclaims "Congratulations Kim and Jason!" However, her lips don't move at all when the words are said. (00:23:05)