Best crime movie quotes of 1985

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Clue picture

Wadsworth: You see. It's just like the Mounties. We always get our man.
Mr. Green: Mrs. Peacock was a man?!

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Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment picture

Lt. Mauser: At this point in time, yours truly was the object of a malicious prank. Now, can anybody in here tell me how this happened? [holds up his hands to show his palms covered in hair.].
Officer Mahoney: I can, sir. And if you don't stop that, you could go blind.

More Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment quotes
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins... picture

Harold Smith: Guard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven. Charles M. Russell, Montana, 1926.

More Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins... quotes
Jagged Edge picture

Sam Ransom: Is that your head speaking, or another part of your anatomy?

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To Live and Die in LA picture

Eric 'Rick' Masters: You broke your contract with me Jeff. Now, I don't know whether you're into it but you're gonna have to suck on this until you give me back my paper.

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Fletch picture

Fletch: Oh, you've remodeled the garage. Must have cost you hundreds.

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More Death Wish 3 quotes
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Thirteen at Dinner picture

Inspector Japp: Poirot, please, before I grow old, retire, and move to Brighton, who is it?

More Thirteen at Dinner quotes
Malibu Express picture

Liza Chamberlain: Cody, do you cook?
Cody Abilene: Not much.
Liza Chamberlain: Well, what do you usually make for dinner?
Cody Abilene: Reservations.

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