Plot hole: When Duck and Diesel leave the shed, Diesel follows Duck instantly, but the tracks they are on both lead to the turntable. As they are on different tracks to each other, it would be impossible for Diesel to follow Duck that quickly as the turntable could only be set to one track at a time.
Desertion of the Dinobots (1) - S2-E19
Plot hole: Perceptor discovers that the reason for their malfunctioning is because their Cybertonium has deteriorated after millions of years of being exposed to Earth's atmosphere. The key word here being 'millions'. This explains why the original Transformers who crash landed on Earth (4 million years ago) are affected, but newer characters like Perceptor, Powerglide, Hoist, etc. are affected despite the fact that they have only been on Earth recently.
And So We Commence (1) - S8-E24
Plot hole: When Theo is complaining that his father is inviting too many people to his graduation, he says "I saw him in the backyard 5 minutes ago hosing down the beach chairs", but this couldn't have been possible because in fact, Cliff was upstairs right before that scene, and then went straight to the living room, so there's no possible way that Cliff could have been in the yard at the time Theo had said he was.