Best movie mistake pictures of 1984

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Continuity mistake: The first car he jacks is a white 4 door Oldsmobile Cutlass salon, and a 2 door Olds Cutlass Supreme in the next. (00:09:30)

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Continuity mistake: When Jackie jumps off his balcony the first morning, the Spanish grocer is ducking with his hands above his head, while in the close-up of Jackie landing he's using his hands to shield his veggies. (00:04:00)


More Wheels on Meals mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Elaine gets knocked out with the ball her hat falls to the ground, next to her car. When the boy drives off the hat is gone. (00:12:55)


More Romancing the Stone mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Mahoney is wearing a white shirt with badges on it from the company he works for. When he's being interrogated by Sgt. Reed the shirt remains the same until the last part of the scene. The camera stays on Mahoney and we can see that the badges on the shirt are gone. If you look closely, you will notice that he is even wearing a completely different white shirt, which now looks more scruffy and creased. (00:08:00)


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Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film, the young Roy breaks a board of the hen-house wall with a pitch. When the shot cuts back to the hen-house wall a moment later, the hole is a different shape and in a different place.

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. That's him, under the water in the same pose he was in before he touched the water.

After watching the scene, the mistake is valid. When he's underwater, he's not in the same "pose." That would require him to be upside down and squatting. But that's not the pose we see him in.


We see Mace semi-kneeling and reaching out to touch the water when he vanishes, but his upside-down reflection is still in the exact same calm position even when he's gone, and in the next shot we see Mace under the water right-side up, with his arms reaching up to the surface. This is a valid mistake, the suggested correction is not right.

Super Grover

More The Ewok Adventure mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The note Jenny puts up in the restroom changes; when Starman goes into the bathroom while Jenny is signing the receipt, notice that the postage stamps holding the note to the mirror are now in different positions and the word "help" is smaller. (00:35:55 - 00:36:45)

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