Best movie questions of 1983

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The House On Sorority Row picture

Question: When the girls are drinking together in a bedroom, one of them comments about her mother saying that she was "born with a silver spoon" in her mouth. She jokes that the spoon is actually in her nose. What does she mean?

Answer: That she uses cocaine.

Brian Katcher

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The Thorn Birds picture

Question: Fee tells Mary she has two deceased sons. She tells her this before the deaths of Stuart and Hal. I don't remember any other of the Cleary children dying in the novel, what two sons is she referring to?

Answer: When Fee was very young, she had an affair with a man and became pregnant. To avoid a scandal, she was quickly married off to Paddy Cleary, a good and honest man, but someone far below Fee in social class. The eldest son (from Fee's previous relationship) never felt that he fit into the family, and both he and the second eldest son left home early on and met premature deaths. Neither character appears in the TV series, they are only mentioned. Stu and Hal are killed later in the story.


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The Meaning of Life picture

Question: At imdb's trivia section for this movie there's a mentioning of the Michael Palin line "Hey, but I didn't eat the mousse" line being an ad-lib. What scene is this in?

Answer: At the end scene where death shows up to the dinner party and kills everyone. They all die because they eat bad salmon mousse. After their spirits leave their body, Michael Palin says the line.


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Lone Wolf McQuade picture

Question: Why didn't Kayo get any credit at the end for his help? Mcquade and Jackson got a rousing public celebration for their work...but Kayo got nothing. I never understood that.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Part of it could be because more people in the crowd know McQuade or Jackson personally. We know McQuade's daughter and ex-wife are there. However, Kayo is also given the Texas Award of Valor, same as McQuade and Jackson.


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Answer: A little obvious: the second film was a box office disaster, so Burt bowed out.

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Flashdance picture

Question: It's clear from the film that the Pittsburgh Conservatory of Dance is a ballet-only or ballet-heavy institution. So why would Alex, with no ballet training (sorry, but you can't "wing it" when dancing en pointe) and whose dance audition is nothing like ballet, even audition there? And why on earth would any dance company take someone whose dancing ability, great though it might be, doesn't match their style? Philadelphia and New York have plenty of dance institutions more suited to Alex's dancing style - why doesn't she go there to audition?

Answer: It states early in the film that Alex went to the ballet and was enchanted by it and started her love of dancing. Her girlhood dream was always to be a part of the conservatory and dance the ballet's one day. Her going to the conservatory was to LEARN that building on her knowledge. Besides, normally she wouldn't have gotten an audition with her lack of Point training, but for Nick's intervening.


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Educating Rita picture

Question: Where is Educating Rita meant to be set? I know that it is all filmed in Dublin but none of the characters are Irish - they are Liverpudlian or else have indistinguishable "posh" accents.

Gail Field

Chosen answer: It isn't meant to be set anywhere in particular.


Answer: Liverpool.

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Risky Business picture

Question: Did Lana actually like Joel or not? She said that the night on the train was not simply a diversion while Guido and Vicki raided his house. However, she was still involved with them, after claiming that she was done working for Guido. She and Vicki "quit" when he first appeared at Joel's house.

Answer: Lana liked him, but was not in love with him. The whole Guido house raid was his way of getting what's owed to him, when Joel stole all his business. At the end of the movie, Lana and Joel walked and talked about him going away to college, with no expectations about one another continuing their relationship.

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Blue Thunder picture

Question: Near the end, Cochrane wants to kill Murphy. Why do it in the air? Even if Cochrane did wipe him out, the only way he would have to do that was to destroy the helicopter completely when he had the chance; instead, he injured Murphy and disabled the cannon somewhat, which is painful to watch and understandable, for fear of collatoral damage or simply because he did not want to blast it out of the sky and foot the bill. But the helicopter costs '$5 million', and even if Cochrane had the money, it would have been cheaper to take Murphy out on land instead of in public and in broad daylight.

Allister Cooper, 2011

Chosen answer: Murphy has been deemed a threat to the public at large by the authorities, having "snapped" and stolen an armed helicopter. Cochrane is using that determination as cover to finally kill Murphy, whom he's long despised. Killing Murphy on the ground would be harder to get away with. He would not be responsible for paying for the helicopter anymore than the Air Force or the other police helicopter crews would be had they sucessfully knocked Blue Thunder down.


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