Factual error: The supercomputer has the British spelling 'Defence' written on it, instead of the American 'Defense', even though the movie takes place in the USA.

Factual error: In the shot of the start of the race at Agua Caliente - some of the horses in the line up are wearing ring head bridles (an Australian stock horse type bridle) - it would be unlikely that these American horses would be racing in such bridles.

Factual error: Alex is racing his bicycle across a bridge over the Detroit River on the way to the stadium. The bridge is the one leading from the Detroit mainland to Belle Isle, an island park, where there is no residential area.

Factual error: Star shuriken, despite common misconception, are not inherently deadly weapons. They were mostly used for distraction, since their lack of a single weighted point makes their attack rather inefficient (although the weapon could be coated with poison). Although it is possible to hit an eye, it is very difficult to hit such a small target or scoring a sufficiently deep wound to penetrate to the brain with a star shuriken.

Factual error: When they drive away at the end they say they are going to the Valley Sheridan, but when the camera pans out they are really going in the opposite direction towards Santa Monica. (01:35:35)

Factual error: SAC's airborne command post is shown in several scenes. Problem is, while there is such an aircraft, it is not a KC-135 Stratotanker, which is what is shown.

Factual error: In the final gun battle at the end of the film, Harry shoots the last bad guy so he falls off a high spot on the roller coaster and through the roof, into the carousel building. Yet as the credits roll, there is an aerial shot and you can see the carousel building at the left of the screen, with no hole in the roof. Also, the carousel building and the roller coaster are about 200 yards apart.

Factual error: When the coroners are taking Betty Johnson's corpse on a stretcher, her head is uncovered. They cover the heads of corpses. The head is only uncovered if the patient is alive. (00:12:35)

Factual error: When the milk tanker detaches from the truck hauling all of the side lights remain lit. The lights are powered from the truck through cables that would definitely disconnect in this scenario. (00:08:10 - 00:09:00)

Factual error: The car is equipped with shatter-resistant glass yet Cujo manages to break through - even rabid, this should not be possible.

Factual error: I don't know of any court system in the U.S. that will allow a person, teenager or not, to get into shootouts, steal a car, and maliciously run over/kill someone while fleeing a crime, and all they get is time in a juvenile detention center because they're underage. Whether you're a teen or not, if you commit crimes like that, you get tried as an adult, no exceptions, which means prison.

Factual error: In one scene, our heroes go down a water slide with their bikes. Landing in the pool at the end would have made their walkie talkies unusable. But later they still work normally.

Factual error: When Julie's undressing in the shower scene she steps out of a slip. Impossible as she was wearing pants, women wear slips only with dresses.

Factual error: One patient had a lobotomy. Impossible as those were abolished in the 1950's by the AMA and patients wouldn't be housed in the same room, too risky as they might attack each other.