Factual error: When Gantz fires Nolte's gun at Nolte, he fires 8 bullets out of a six shooter. (00:18:45)

Factual error: When the infected Palmer starts his transformation into the Thing, he has a series of fits and the creature 'falls', or leaps upward onto the ceiling. Watch closely...you can see a piece of paneling also 'fall' upward, when it should have fallen down. (01:23:20)

Factual error: Col. Trautman should be wearing his rank insignia on the flash (small patch) on his beret. All officers wear their rank on their flash, enlisted men wear the unit crest. (This error was corrected in Rambo II and III.)

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie, when Clint Eastwood is flying away from Russia, the Russian cruiser is really either an American Leahy or Belknap class cruiser.

Factual error: Inside the nebula, the Enterprise rises from below and fires a photon torpedo at the Reliant, striking it directly on the dorsal torpedo pod. Watch as the torpedo hits and the pod explodes. Large pieces of the bulkhead explode outward, then begin to fall downward towards the saucer section before they cut camera angles, despite there being nothing dragging them in that direction. (01:31:25)

Factual error: In the first story, Father's Day, it is dark at 7:00. In the middle of June, the sun stays up until at least 8. Or even 9 up north.

Factual error: The movie is set in 1974. The Sony walkman was introduced in 1979, yet Sonny is seen listening to one.

Factual error: When Alan gets the message that his security had been suspended at Encom, the computer gives a Date/Time stamp of Sept 22, 18:32:21 PM (6:32 PM) But at the time, it is shown to be pitch dark outside. Isn't 6:32 PM early to be completely dark outside in mid September (keeping in mind that no matter how far east one is, it can never be full dark outside at that time, at that period of the year). Also, why would the Time stamp have "PM" in it when it is using the 24-hour clock? (00:10:40)

Factual error: During the climax of the film, coffins from the cemetery below rise out of the ground. Only problem: they're rising vertically. Coffins are laid horizontally.