Ralph Hinkley: Bill, I've got an idea.
Bill Maxwell: Good, put it to me in a letter, I'll try to get back to you by the end of the month.

Beware of Mexicans Delivering Milk - S6-E15
Penfold: Ah, good morning milkman, I'm just going to do my exercises.
El Loco: Ah si, you run, eh, you swim, you jump.
Penfold: No I lift the milk bottles.
El Loco: Guantanamera gringo.
Penfold: Er, no thanks, but we want some on Saturdays.
El Loco: If Saturday ever comes, eh?
Penfold: Erm, pardon?
El Loco: No importa! Hasta la vista!
Penfold: No just my pyjamas! Cor you can always tell whether they've been to Majorca for their hols. He even looks like that vicious Mexican bandit El Loco.