Frank: Did it ever occur to you, to try to work for a living? Take down your own scores?
Unnamed Detective: OK, fuck this guy.
Urrizi: I'll tell you something, I'm gonna be on your ass so much, you're gonna get careless. And on that day I'm gonna be in that place.
Frank: And that, is the last place that you wanna be. 'Cause no matter what happens, I will never, ever take a pinch from a greasy motherfucker like you.

Jack Amsterdam: Cut the crap. I don't have all day. It's been 20 years since my last confession. I had a lot of things to do.

Snake Plissken: What's wrong with Broadway?

George Swanson: I'm going to score one for you, Alex.
Alex Cutter: You've been watching too many Babe Ruth movies, George.

Frank Chambers: What are you, uh, Greek or something?
Cora: What... do I look Greek?