Question: If you speak French, I am curious about this: Snoopy, driving a rental car, gets into a multi-car fender bender. Marcie stands up through the sun roof and chastises the drivers behind them in French. This happens again at the end of the film. A short time after they resume driving, Snoopy starts to whistle and Marcie says something else in French. Can anyone tell me what she is saying? I have been curious for years. Thanks!
Answer: To make the other person's answer better, when snoopy jumped up beside marcy and started gesturing, he was saying "f*ck you" in american sign language.

Question: In the movie, Buford shoots two flying bottles whilst holding the gun at his hip. Is that even possible?
Chosen answer: Technically, yes, but no matter how adept the shooter, such a trick would always rely more on luck than skill. Shooting from the hip makes it impossible to aim any better than "in the general direction of the target."

Question: At the end of the movie, when the ship finds Richard, Emmeline, and baby Paddy in the lifeboat, Richard's father asks if they are dead. A crewman tells him that they are only asleep. Are they really dead and the crewman was trying to spare his feelings by lying to him, or are they really only sleeping?
Answer: The ending is meant to be ambiguous, and is identical to the ending of the original novel on which the film is based. It is never answered whether they are alive or not.
Answer: At the end of the movie, it says they are only asleep. But in the second film (The Blue Lagoon: The Awakening), they say that they are dead. However, the child is not, because he didn't actually eat any of the dead and buried berries. Then they named the baby Richard because that was the first word baby Paddy could say. He probably said it a lot, so they thought that was his name.

Question: Why did all the bank patrons look annoyed when the bank robbers used the jingle that Harry and Skip used?
Answer: The robbers' performance was poorly done and unrehearsed as opposed to Skip and Harry's performance from earlier in the film, which was enjoyed and even applauded by the bank customers.

Question: I think it is the scene near the end when they are singing "Make the world go away", they pan the audience and zoom in on Amy Irving. Is that Arlo Guthrie in front of her? Sure looks like him.
Answer: I think so.

Question: It's been a long time since I've seen this movie - what powers did Dave get?
Answer: I'm not sure this is the whole list, but I remember him having super speed, enhanced reflexes, telekinesis, precognition, and invulnerability.
Chosen answer: I just found a possible answer to my own question! According to a post in the question section of the IMDb entry for this film, one poster (dioro on March 23, 2009) claims that Marcie says: "Qu'est-ce que tu as dans la crane? Oooh, les cornes! Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse? Que dalle! Le pied de nez! Tu veux nous frotter?" The poster goes on to say, "I'm fairly positive everything is correct, except for maybe the last question. I'd translate it something like: 'What's going on in your head? Ooh, [the] horns! What do you want me to do? Absolutely nothing (Jack schidt) Le pied de nez' is a gesture, putting the thumb on the nose and [wiggling] your fingers. Snoopy does this when Marcie says the line. 'You want a piece of us?' Then as they're leaving Marcie says, 'Ah, de la couille.' I put the last sentence into a Google translator, and it yielded "Ah, the testicle." I have my doubts about that last one.
Michael Albert