Best sci-fi movie quotes of 1979

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Stalker picture

Stalker: It is so quiet out here, it is the quietest place in the world.

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Moonraker picture

[The staff of MI6 are watching a large screen that shows Bond and Dr. Goodhead making love in space.]
Minister: My god, what's Bond doing!?
Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.

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Mad Max picture

Grease Rat: Like the sign says, "speed's just a question of money. How fast you wanna go?"

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Phantasm picture

Mike: I know you're not going to believe this, but these things were here, right in the garage, and they were going to get me.
Jody: Aww, give me a break, would you?
Mike: They were jumping on the car and making these weird sounds.
Jody: You're sure it wasn't that retarded kid, Timmy, up the street?
Mike: No, it was the same thing that chased me last night.

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Alien picture

Parker: It's a robot. Ash is a god damn robot.

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The Black Hole picture

V.I.N.CENT: To quote Cicero: rashness is the characteristic of youth, prudence that of mellowed age, and discretion the better part of valor.

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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century picture

Twiki: I'm freezing my ball-bearings off.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture picture

Spock: Each of us... At some time in our lives, turns to someone - a father, a brother, a God... And asks..."Why am I here? What was I meant to be?"

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Captain America picture

Captain America: Simon, can you still jock a helicopter, a fast one?
Dr. Simon Mills: That's something you don't forget.
Captain America: I'll meet you at the pad.

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Prophecy picture

Maggie Verne: I believe him.
Dr. Robert Verne: Why?
Maggie Verne: Why would he have offered to let you test the water?
Dr. Robert Verne: Maybe it wasn't in the water.
Maggie Verne: Huh?
Dr. Robert Verne: Maybe it's heavier than water. That silvery stuff on your boot, is it dry?
Maggie Verne: Yes.
Dr. Robert Verne: They gave us a trick question in medical school. What's the only liquid in the world that isn't wet?
Maggie Verne: What was the answer?
Dr. Robert Verne: Mercury.

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Time After Time picture

Jack the Ripper: We don't belong here? On the contrary, Herbert. I belong here completely and utterly. I'm home.

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