Trivia: Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate was genuinely daring his guards to laugh about Biggus Dickus' name. The people playing the soldiers were told not to laugh during the scene but were not told what Palin would be doing or saying.

Trivia: The Cat Juggler, in the film, was Steve Martin. (01:12:40 - 01:13:30)

Trivia: In the country where the film was made, extras are not hired. The people in the background are just normal people. Watch the background during the scene where the young couple is talking in front of a subway staircase and you will see a boy flipping off the camera.

Trivia: In this regrettable comedy-filler for NBC Television, writer/director Michael O'Donoghue (of "National Lampoon" and "Saturday Night Live" fame in the mid-1970s) presented a jumbled showcase of tasteless, cruel, stupid and unfunny sketches that managed to stoop lower than low production quality and dubious entertainment value. Even the very liberal NBC considered O'Donoghue's video beneath network standards and it was rejected for broadcast. As an example of the video's dismal offerings, one brief segment featured a deadpan Dan Aykroyd removing his shoes to reveal his real-life genetic deformities: His second and third toes are fused together on both feet. Aykroyd prodded his toes with a screwdriver to prove the deformities were real. NBC was not amused. (00:20:25)

Trivia: "Drunken Master 2" actually premiered in 1994, a remake/reboot of 1978's "Drunken Master" (both starring Jackie Chan). "Drunken Master 2" was later released in America as "The Legend of Drunken Master" in the year 2000.

Trivia: When Lance is thrown on the bar during the bar brawl, he yells the Wilhelm scream.

Trivia: Bo Derek's character in this film is Jenny Hanley - the same name as the presenter of the children's television show "Magpie".

Trivia: The original title for Meatballs was "Summer Camp." No one seems to remember the reason for the title change.