Plot hole: Radl and Steiner discuss the entire scheme to kidnap Churchill on the Alderney docks - in full view and hearing of a number of civilians (who shouldn't be there, pace another posting), including local fishermen. Though the Germans banned all fishing activities in the Channel islands including Alderney in 1941, they were well aware that there was a flow of information from the island to military authorities in the mainland. Why would they be so stupid as to discuss a top secret military mission in public? In reality, they wouldn't even discuss it in front of their own men.

Plot hole: When Josey gives the redlegs a "Missouri boat ride" by shooting the tow rope on the ferry, the craft drifts off down stream, silhouetted in the setting sun. The problem is, Josey and the kid are on the east bank, instead of the west bank where the Indian nation is located.

Plot hole: In one of the late scenes Logan is interrogated by the mainframe computer, and is guarded by two other sandmen. No one in the city is allowed to be over thirty years of age, yet the guards are at least in their late 30s or early 40s.
Suggested correction: How do we know how old they are? Just because someone may look like they're in their 40s doesn't mean they are. I have several friends and coworkers who look older than their actual age.
I also thought the guards looked old. Yes, maybe they were 29 but since they had a minimal role, it wouldn't have been difficult to go with actors that actually looked like they were in their 20s.