Deliberate mistake: The famous car chase ends with Bond's car tipping up on its right wheels to fit through a pedestrian path. However, when it emerges the other side, it's tipped on its left wheels. When the car enters the alley, this was filmed in a studio. When the car exits the alley, this was filmed in Vegas. The first few times the exit was filmed, the car emerged on the correct wheels, but the shots were unusable because of the crowds in the background watching the filming. This shot was temporarily abandoned and eventually re-filmed with a different stunt driver who famously performed the stunt on the wrong wheels. Realising this, the producers filmed a somewhat clunky insert shot featuring a close-up of Sean Connery and Jill St John, which shows the car tip back onto four wheels and then up onto the opposite two wheels, even though the alleyway would be too narrow to manage this.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Alex, after having been released from prison, is standing near Albert Bridge and staring down at the River Thames, the tide line, as measured by the bridge's support column, changes several times.

Deliberate mistake: During the opening shot and titles, Neville is shown driving by the same block three times, each from a different angle. The first shot is high, the second shot (00:01:50) is from the hood of the car looking at Neville, and the third (00:02:40) is ground level.

Deliberate mistake: During the chase scene the boats pass under several bridges - most of them sporting crowds of onlookers. The film crew didn't bother to move them before shooting began.

Deliberate mistake: During Lansbury and Dr. Brown's dance scene under the water, the drawings behind them (with couples of fishes sitting on their seats) are a still drawing, no animation at all.

Deliberate mistake: While on the sideline during a game, Sayers tells Piccolo that he should ask Dr. Fox to give him something for his hay fever, and Piccolo heads back to the field. The next closeup of Sayers is a flipped shot; note the "40" on his jersey. (00:41:55)