Question: What happened at the end? How did they get out of that fix?
Answer: Michael Caine himself once suggested in an interview that all they had to do was wait until the bus, the engine of which was still running, ran out of fuel. The fuel tank was at the rear of the bus, hanging over the cliff and so adding weight at that end. As it emptied, the balance would shift to the front and they would be able to move the gold forward. How they could then get it off the bus, or transport it from the roadside is another matter.

Question: Are those ski trails on the mountains at the beginning of True Grit?
Answer: The mountain in the background appears to have two vertical grooves down the surface facing the camera. Those grooves are far too wide to be ski trails. They are simply a natural part of the mountain. Mountains are subjected, over hundreds of thousands of years, to a variety of natural forces, such as wind erosion, water erosion, tectonic shifts and earthquakes, just to name a few. These cause mountains to have irregular shapes, and irregular surfaces.

Question: When George is killed by the hoodlums in the middle of the night one of them appears to be wearing a hat similar to the one worn previously by the prejudice guy in the restaurant. Are they supposed to be one and the same?
Answer: Correct: it is the same group of bigots, who has tracked them down in order to beat them.

Question: How does the movie actually end? Do Dolly and Horace go into the Church to get married?
Chosen answer: Yes.
Answer: Coconut.
No, we see them trying to break the coconut (and failed miserably) after Ratso made that dish (and it looks like some kind of stew, probably made from the tomato we saw them steal at the same time they stole the coconut, and green peppers).