Lomax: You got a bargain, Big Man.
Taw Jackson: How's that?
Lomax: Two five-hundred dollar days for the price of one.

Matt Drayton: When I had ice cream before, I had a special kind of flavor that I liked very much but I can't remember what it was.
Carhop: I'll bring you the list, sir.
Matt Drayton: Oh no. You - you must know what it is.
Carhop: Daquiri Ice, Honeycomb Candy, Cocoa, Coconut, Jamocha Almond Fudge, Mocha Jamocha, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cinnamon, Banana Mint.
Matt Drayton: Must've been some other place.

Roy Fleming: Why is Pa always trying to run my life?
Mrs. Fleming: Well, after all, he was a corporal in World War I, and you know how bossy they were.
Roy Fleming: But, Ma, that war's been over for ages.
Mrs. Fleming: Not to your father. He loves that war just as much today as he did then.

Emma Fairfax: I promise to ask for no special privileges.
Dr. Dolittle: I promise to grant none.

Brewster: Look at that hillside. Nobody does any watering or anything.

Clyde Barrow: This here's Miss Bonnie Parker. I'm Clyde Barrow. We rob banks.

Doctor Hertz: Oh, it's magic.
Baron Frankenstein: Everything we don't understand is magic - until we understand it.
Doctor Hertz: To me, it's magic. All of this.
Baron Frankenstein: Until we understand it and master it.

Barbara Judd: We are the Martians now.

Sumuru: I have a million eyes... For I am Sumuru.

Narrator: This old world has seen a lot of changes since Teddy Roosevelt's day, but his dream came true, and the Grand Canyon will stay the same, as long as there is a world. Brighty has long since left this earth, but some animals, like some men, leave a trail of glory behind them. They give their spirit to the place where they had lived, a part of the rocks and steams and the wind and the sky. Brighty's spirit lives on, forever wild, forever free.

Fathom Harvill: The name's Fathom Harvill.
Mike, Owner of Casa Miguel: Fathom? How'd you get a name like Fathom?
Fathom Harvill: It's short for Elizabeth.

Sgt. Nocker: Hold it baby. How about giving us the Dance of the Two Veils?
Corktip: You mean seven veils.
Sgt. Nocker: Why bother with preliminaries?

Count Von Krolock: A year ago exactly on this same night we were assembled here in this very room: I your pastor, and you my beloved flock. With hopefulness in my heart I told you then that with Lucifer's aid we might look forward to a more succulent occasion. Cast back your minds. There we were, gathered together, gloomy and despondent, around a single meager woodcutter.

The Giant: Fe, fi, fo, fum.
Jeremy Keen, Proprietor: For a great, big giant you're really dumb.

Tiger Tanaka: Chasing girls will be the end of you, Bond-san. I have told you that before.
Aki: He didn't chase her! He did it so that I could get away. He wouldn't touch that horrible girl. You wouldn't, would you?
James Bond: Oh, heaven forbid.