Commander Paul Eddington: Old Rock of Ages, we've got ourselves another war. A gut bustin', mother-lovin' Navy war.

Maria: I am not finished yet, Captain!
Captain Von Trapp: Oh yes you are, Captain! Fraulein, you will pack your things this minute and return to the Abbey.

Wild, The Hunchback: Well well, if it isn't the smoker. Well... Remember me, amigo?
Col. Douglas Mortimer: M-Mm.
Wild, The Hunchback: 'Course you do. El Paso.
Col. Douglas Mortimer: It's a small world.
Wild, The Hunchback: Yes, and very, very bad. Now come on, you light another match.
Col. Douglas Mortimer: I generally smoke just after I eat. Why don't you come back in about ten minutes?
Wild, The Hunchback: Ten minutes you'll be smoking in hell. Get up!.

Charlie Anderson: It's no easy job, Sam, to take care of a woman.
Lt. Sam: No, sir.
Charlie Anderson: They expect things they never ask for. And when they don't get them, they ask you why. Sometimes they don't ask... and just go ahead and punish you for not doing something you didn't know you were supposed to do in the first place.

Cincinnati Kid: Listen, Christian, after the game, I'll be The Man. I'll be the best there is. People will sit down at the table with you, just so they can say they played with The Man. And that's what I'm gonna be, Christian.
Christian: I know.

Dr. Kyojô Niide: Poverty's a political problem they say. But what has politics ever done for the poor? Has a law been passed to get rid of poverty and ignorance?
Dr. Noboru Yasumoto: But this place! Government funds-.
Dr. Kyojô Niide: Better this than nothing. The problem is deeper than that. If it weren't for poverty, half of these people wouldn't be sick.
Dr. Noboru Yasumoto: I know.
Dr. Kyojô Niide: There is always some story of great misfortune behind illness.

Pope Julius II: You see, my son... how well we understand each other... when you don't shout?

Freddie Clegg: What's got four ears and eight legs?
Miranda Grey: What?
Freddie Clegg: Two dogs.

Murray: You might call Nick a bastard... or a little bastard, depending on how whimsical you feel at the time.

The Dealer - Mrs. Clover: That hearse is still outside, go away, go away.
Daisy Clover: Oh it's going away all right Old Chap, with me in it.

Ben Munceford: I've heard a lot about you, Commodore, but I never expected I'd meet you.
Commodore Schrepke: Is that so?
Ben Munceford: Not aboard an American destroyer.
Commodore Schrepke: (Is) that so surprising in these times?
Ben Munceford: I guess not, if one can make the switch mentally. But I, uh... I still connect you with... Hitler's navy.
Commodore Schrepke: Your pardon: Admiral Dönitz's navy, sir.