Robert Miller: Watch out for snakes.

Ann Baldwin: I know I should be grateful we're still alive, but... I love you, Harry, but not more than a future without hope. I've got to have hope to go on. I've got to know there are other people like us, like our children. People who are better than just animals.

Bill Masen: Feel guilty, hmmm?
Christine Durrant: Maybe.
Bill Masen: You know why?
Christine Durrant: Why?
Bill Masen: Because you survived. Bettina, Coker and all the rest dead. And you're alive, and you wonder why.
Christine Durrant: That's exactly right.
Bill Masen: Yeah, I know the feeling. During the war, you get a ship shot out from underneath you. All your friends gone, and only a handful left. And you ask yourself "Why me? Why not someone better?"

Dr. Cortner: The Superintendent had it out with me. He thinks it's you who's been stealing those limbs from the amputee operations.
Dr. Bill Cortner: So what if it is?