Other mistake: In the early part of the movie, Rommel is addressing his Officers on the Atlantic Wall. The "mid-shots" and "close-ups" are shot against a back projection. Rommel turns to view the sea/horizon and the view is exactly the same as their "mid-shots". The effect is a horrendous "jump-cut".

Other mistake: After the decontamination chamber scene, Bond and Honey drink a cup of coffee. Honey very quickly passes out due to the tea being laced with some type of sleep inducing drug. However, as Bond throws his cup in anger, Honey flinches very hard. Surprising considering how quickly she passed out after drinking the coffee. (01:20:15)

Other mistake: During the scene where the teens are performing that "kicking" routine in the gymnasium as led by Tommy Djilas, you can see Harold Hill in the back left of the screen, watching. Right before the number ends, a costume prop can be seen coming from the back middle of the dancers and hitting Robert Preston in the face.

Other mistake: In the opening credits, there is one credit that reads "Miss Winter's costumes by Gene Coffin." This is meant to be referring to actress Shelley Winters and the man who provided her costumes, however the apostrophe has been put in the wrong place. Since her full surname is Winters, putting the apostrophe in between the R and S in incorrect. The apostrophe should have gone after the S to spell out "Miss Winters' costumes" and not Winter's. (00:01:35)

Other mistake: At the very beginning of the film, when the two cars are along side each other, the man wearing the hat leans out of the car window to challenge the women in the other car to a race, watch out for when he speaks, you can see that his words don't match his mouth movements - he's talking out of sync.

Other mistake: It's settled that Lawrence takes 50 of Prince Faisal's men with him to fight the Turks in Akaba (as long as they get there through the burning desert). But to my calculations there's only 32 men riding with him, plus those young servant wannabe's who (without permission) follow the party.

Other mistake: When Raymond shoots Senator Jordan, his first shot penetrates the carton of milk that Jordan is holding in his left hand. From Raymond's perspective, that carton of milk is positioned over Jordan's upper left arm; so, the first shot should have merely wounded Jordan in the left bicep, hardly a mortal wound. But Jordan's eyes roll up and he collapses as if shot in the heart.

Other mistake: While Ransom Stoddard and his wife are on the train back to Washington, the conductor tells them that the train will be able to maintain a speed of 25 mph throughout the journey. The film is set around 1900, by which time trains were regularly topping 65 mph, and the outside scenery is moving faster than it would for something traveling at 25 mph.

Other mistake: What appears to be a long hallway in the palace is actually a painted backdrop. When two guards lock Ulysses in the dungeon, they cast a shadow on the backdrop.

Other mistake: When the villan's car is stopped by the traffic jam, the background projection is still moving.