Corrected entry: During the final scenes of the movie, when an American General is taken up "Omaha" Beach, it is actually Juno Beach, where the Canadians landed.

Corrected entry: During this time period the "Turkish" flag that was shown throughout the film was not the flag of the Ottoman Empire. Rather it is the modern flag of the Turkish Republic, which was founded in 1923.
Correction: Incorrect. The modern Turkish flag is the same as that of the Ottoman Empire which was standardised in 1844. See: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/tr-ottom.html http://www.answers.com/topic/ottomanflag.

Corrected entry: During the fight scene between John Wayne and Lee Marvin, the shirt John Wayne is wearing changes when the fight indoors moves to outdoors.
Correction: There is no fight scene with Wayne and Marvin. Tom and Liberty never have a physical altercation.

Corrected entry: We see three immortals getting spears thrown at them. Watch the man in the middle. If you play frame by frame you can see the spear hit him in the mouth, bend and bounce off. (01:26:40)
Correction: If you must go frame-by-frame to see this, it is not valid as a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: Why would Dr. No want to kill Bond by placing a tarantula in his bed? Tarantula bites, while painful, aren't usually fatal. A black widow or a brown recluse spider would have been a better choice, as both of those spiders' bites usually result in death or paralysis. (Black widow or brown recluse bites are rarely fatal to healthy adults. Any spider is a bad bet as a murder weapon.)
Correction: They were obviously hoping the shock of being bitten would be sufficient to kill him. Regardless, this is a character decision.

Corrected entry: When Scout is playing in the tyre, Jem roles it down the street. You see Scout hit the porch steps at the front of the Radley house, but when Jem goes to pick her up, you see him pick her up from the side of the house and not the front.
Correction: The tire rolls down the street, entering the side yard and striking the porch steps at the side of the house, not the front. Note that the porch extends the length of the front and around the side with a set of steps down to the side yard. This is evident in the following shots. There is no entry door behind the side steps that Scout hits, and in the next shot we see Jem running from the side steps up to the front door to tag it.

Corrected entry: During the fight at the river pirates land base, Jimmy Stewart throws a small keg of gunpowder at a fire. Seconds later there is a very large explosion. Frame by frame slow motion reveals that the keg hits the log behind the fire and totally shatters spilling its contents over the fire and nearly putting it out. Had the keg contained gunpowder it would have instantly caught fire.
Correction: If you need slow-motion to spot it, then it's not a mistake per this site's rules.

Corrected entry: Released in 1962, the film was put on the shelf after its initial run because its plot reminded people a little too much of the Kennedy assassination the year later. It wasn't available again until it was released for home video in 1988.
Correction: This story has been refuted as a complete fabrication. There are various theories as to why this rumor was started, but it is a rumor nonetheless.

Corrected entry: Francis Drake did not bring potatoes to the Old World. They were actually brought by the Spanish after the conquest of Peru.
Correction: Francis Drake was in fact the first to bring the potato to England. Unless you want to point out an error involving the species of potato or dates that are wrong or deliberately changed for the movie, there is no factual error.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the train pulls into River City, the station and platform are on the right. (This means that if we were watching from the platform, the train would approach from the left.) Professor Harold Hill leaves the train and we now watch the action from over his shoulder, on the platform. The trains pulls out going to the left, the same direction it came from.
Correction: In the scene where the train pulls into River City, the station and platform are on the left. An <

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film when the hero wakes up blindfolded after a night's sleep he is clean shaven.
Correction: Once upon a time, nurses use to do the sorts of helpful things like shaving patients, hair cuts etc., and he had been bandaged up for considerably more than just one night prior to the meteor shower - it was only the absence of medical care that meant he risked removing the bandages to find out what was going on.

Corrected entry: When Ross and Laurel come ashore at Paradise Cove, she asks him what kind of fish do the Yung's catch. Ross says they catch dolphins. No professional fisherman is going to claim a dolphin is a fish.
Correction: He's referring to the mahi-mahi, or dolphinfish, commonly abbreviated to "dolphins" by fishermen.
Correction: If you mean that there are Canadian troops about the place, by the time the General Staff came ashore the beaches had been secured and Canadian troops were stationed on Omaha. If you mean that is really Juno Beach being used as a location, you are wrong. The scenes on Omaha Beach were shot in Corsica.