Corrected entry: When Scottie (James Stewart) and Madeleine (Kim Novack) are driving down the San Francisco Peninsula to the Spanish Mission, a back projection mistake has them driving on the left side of the road. (01:11:50)

Corrected entry: When a lifeboat is floating upside down, and people are trying to climb onto it, it is not bobbing from side to side at all, as if it was fixed to the bottom of the water.
Correction: The water in the area at the time was a dead calm - it is believed that one of the reasons the iceberg was not spotted until too late was that no waves were breaking against it. It is therefore quite possible that the lifeboat would not bob up and down.

Corrected entry: When Cable and Emile are hiding out on the island, during their first radio transmission, Emile reports on the weather. He says something about "nine o'clock to four o'clock" and Cable corrects him by saying "0900 to 1400." Four o'clock is 1600 hours, not 1400.
Correction: Emile says "two o'clock," not "four."

Corrected entry: In the final scene, when Van Helsing jumps at the curtains to reveal the sunlight which will destroy Dracula, Dracula hurls himself to the ground in agony before Van Helsing gets to the curtains. This could be conceivably because Dracula was anticipating his demise, but it does look a bit awkward.
Correction: I don't think Dracula hurls himself to the ground in agony. I have always assumed that he could see what Van Helsing was about to do and he was trying to avoid being in the direct rays of the sun when the curtains came down.

Corrected entry: When the MPs arrive at the bar in Alexandria to arrest Hauptmann Lutz, Captain Anson expects them later as he'd arranged with the guard commander. However when we saw him leaving the commander earlier, the commander gives him a shirt for the "South African". The commander would have known Lutz was a Nazi, through Anson's report, yet refers to him as the South African as the ambulance leaves for Alexandria.
Correction: This is not a plot error. Capt. Anson's plan was, as we know, to keep the German thinking that he had fooled them into believing he was a South African. He would of course have told the Commander this when he arranged through him for the MP's to arrest the German at a predetermined time in Alex. If the Commander had then come out and said, "Here's a shirt for your German" the subterfuge would have been blown. By referring to the German as a South African, the Commander would only have been intentionally re-inforcing the German's sense that he had them all fooled, and thus less likely to cause trouble.

Corrected entry: During the attack, when the torpedo circles back, the submarine is passing 100 feet. No torpedo would have a depth set that deep, yet along comes the torpedo which passes just above the sub. I can understand a gyro failure, but a depth setting failure at the same time is practically impossible..
Correction: The torpedo that doubled back was only thought to be their own. Later in the movie, the plot showed it was from a Japanese sub hunting U.S. subs so the torpedo would have been set to a depth to hunt them.
Correction: That particular section of US 101, just west of Hollister, CA, is a divided highway, 2 lanes on each side, with very tall trees on either side and on the median.