Audio problem: When Old Yeller runs by the ground shot camera when Travis calls him, he barks ,but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: In one of his most famous movie scenes, Elvis lip syncs the wrong words to Jailhouse Rock. Watch his lips when he sings the words "The (band) was jumpin' down, the joint began to swing." (01:05:00)
Suggested correction: The correct lyrics are: "The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing." Not sure if this corrects the lip syncing discrepancy though.

Audio problem: The Sergeant is calling "Sunrise 6" on his radio hand mic, then tucks away the mic to scan the mountain with binoculars, but his voice is still calling Sunrise 6.

Audio problem: In the cinema the girl that bites Chaplin's ankle starts to talk and sing, but her lips don't move.

Audio problem: When Lindbergh calls and waves from the Spirit at the motorcyclist tooling down a dirt road, the motorcycle's tires make a screeching tires-on-asphalt sound as it turns.