Hondo Lane: You baked today. Smell fresh bread on you. And top of that you smell all over like a woman, rich and warm and soft. I could find you in the dark Mrs. Lowe.

Calamity Jane: Excitement? Why, I got more arrows in the back of that coach than a porcupine has got stickers.

Loco Dempsey: You don't think he's a little old?
Schatze Page: Wealthy men are never old.

Princess Ann: I could do some of the things I've always wanted to.
Joe Bradley: Like what?
Princess Ann: Oh, you can't imagine. I-I'd do just whatever I liked all day long.

Lorelei Lee: Dorothy. Mr. Esmond and I are getting married.
Dorothy Shaw: To each other?
Gus Esmond: Of course to each other. Who else to?
Dorothy Shaw: Well, I don't know about you Gus, but I always figured Lorelei would end up with the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mrs. Hittaway: What good is a trailerite if not to help out another trailerite?

Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Are you wondering whether I'm a witch?
Tommy: Aged 11: Suppose you are a witch?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Suppose I am.
Tommy: Aged 11: Would you do a guy a favor?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: I've been waiting for twenty years to give a guy a favor.