Best romance movie quotes of 1952

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Movie Quote Quiz
The Quiet Man picture

Michaleen Flynn: None 'o that now, none 'o that. It's a bold sinful man y'are Sean Thornton. And who taught you to be playin' patty-fingers in the Holy Water?
Thornton: Just bein' polite, is all.

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Singin' in the Rain picture

Don Lockwood: What's your lofty mission in life that lets you sneer at my humble profession?
Kathy Selden: I'm an actress.
Don Lockwood: What?
Kathy Selden: On the stage.
Don Lockwood: Oh, on the stage. Well, I'd like to see you act. What are you in right now? I could brush up on my English, or bring along an interpreter. That is if they'd let in a movie actor.
Kathy Selden: I'm not in a play right now, but I will be. I'm going to New York...
Don Lockwood: Oh, you're going to New York! And then someday, we'll all hear of you, won't we? Kathy Selden as Juliet, as Lady Macbeth, as King Lear! You'll have to wear a beard for that one, of course.

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Ivanhoe picture

Rebecca: I love you - and I must not feel it - yet Ivanhoe I love you, with all the longing in this lonely world.

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Scaramouche picture

Doutreval of Dijon: Think of this. A sword is like a bird. If you clutch it too tightly, you choke it - too lightly and it flies away.

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The Bad and the Beautiful picture

Rosemary: James Lee, you have a very naughty mind... I'm happy to say.

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Son of Paleface picture

Peter 'Junior' Potter Jr.: Rock 'em, Sock 'em, Make 'em quit, Hit 'em where they know they're hit.

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The Greatest Show on Earth picture

Angel: You are a sourpuss, aren't you?
Brad Braden: Yeah.
Angel: You want to bite somebody?
Brad Braden: Yeah.
Angel: Well, pick your spot.

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Moulin Rouge picture

Henri: Marriage is like a dull meal with the dessert at the beginning. I have it on the very highest authority.

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Come Back, Little Sheba picture

Doc: God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


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