Mad Hatter: What's the matter my dear, don't you care for tea?
Alice: Why, yes. I'm very fond of tea.
March Hare: If you don't care for tea, you could at least make polite conversation.

Jerry Mulligan: I never touch a guy unless I've known him at least fifteen minutes.

Gaylord Ravenal: Why do you want to be an actress?
Magnolia: Why? Well, I mean, well, the ordinary person wouldn't understand. I mean, that is, a person outside the profession.
Gaylord Ravenal: No? Well, you want to be an actress because it makes everything become true - every exciting thing you ever heard about, even if its make believe. Isn't that it?
Magnolia: Yes, that is it. How did you know?
Gaylord Ravenal: For instance, right now, you'd like to be Romeo and Juliet.