Monty Stratton: Honey, do you know there's a tailor in Chicago that gives a suit of clothes away to any ballplayer that hits the scoreboard in center field? As of yesterday the New York Yankees are the best dressed team in baseball.

Claire Huddesen: You oughta feel proud that three sailors from the United States Navy got off the ship for one day, and what did they do? Were they thirsty for hard liquor? No. They were thirsty for culture. Were they running after girls? No. They came running to the museum to see your dinosaur. For months out at sea they were dreaming about your dinosaur.

Samson: Your arms were quicksand. Your kiss was death. The name Delilah will be an everlasting curse on the lips of men.

Adam Bonner: No matter what you think you think, you think the same as I think.

Soames Forsyte: I wish you'd allow me to choose your friends.
Irene Forsyte: As you choose my dresses?
Soames Forsyte: I think you'd admit that I've made you one of the best-dressed women in London. Surely you have no complaints on that score.

Pepe Le Pew: I am ze locksmith of love, no?

Amy: How was I dressed when we had all that money?
Jo March: In diapers.

Connie Ennis: If you wish for things you can get, you're gonna be happy. If you wish for real big things, all you're gonna get is real big disappointments.

Eddie O'Brien: How many times have I told you to pick on somebody your size?
Dennis Ryan: There ain't nobody my size.