Aunt Martha: For a gallon of elderberry wine, I take one teaspoon full of arsenic, then add half a teaspoon full of strychnine, and then just a pinch of cyanide.
Mortimer Brewster: Hmm. Should have quite a kick.
Gregory Anton: I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to me.
Brian Cameron: I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to her.
Agnes Smith: Katie, where's my cat?
Katie the Maid: I don't know... a little while ago, she got in my way and I kicked her down the cellar steps. I could hear her spine hitting on every step.
Agnes Smith: Oh, if you killed her, I'll kill you! I'll stab you to death in your sleep, then I'll tie your body to two wild horses until you're pulled apart.
Katie the Maid: Oh, won't that be terrible, now? There's your cat.
Barton Keyes: Walter, you're all washed up.
Sherlock Holmes: Watson, have you ever stopped to think that the science of detection is much like stringing a handful of beads?
Dr. John H. Watson: Can't say as I have.
Rocklin: Touch that gun, and I'll kill you.
Willi Hilfe: We thought you'd been killed.
Stephen Neale: Not quite.
Alice Reed: Well, there are two general reactions. One is a kind of solemn stare for the painting.
Richard Wanley: And the other?
Alice Reed: The other is a long, low whistle.
Richard Wanley: What was mine?
Alice Reed: I'm not sure. But I suspect that in another moment or two you might have given a long, low, solemn whistle.
Bugs Bunny: You ain't got me yet, by Gum! He he he he! Ow, darn this lumbago.
Father Fitzgibbons: I gave them both my blessing.
Father Chuck O'Malley: And they gave you the bird.
Father Fitzgibbons: Yeah.
Bugs Bunny: You're in for it now, Doc. It's the hot seat for you, sure.