Henry Frankenstein: Oh, what a wonderful vision it was. I dreamed of being the first to give to the world - the secret that God is so jealous of: the formula for life. Think of the power - to create a man - and I did. I did it! I created a man - and who knows, in time, I could have trained him to do my will. I could have built a race. I might even have found the secret of eternal life.

Richard Hannay: There are 20 million women in this island and I've got to be chained to you.

Fiorello: What'll I say?
Otis B. Driftwood: Tell them you're not here.
Fiorello: Suppose they don't believe me?
Otis B. Driftwood: They'll believe you when you start talking.

John Wyatt: Hey, stupid! Where do you think you're going? Get back there with the herd, you muttonhead!
Mary Gordon: Just who do you think you're talking to? And who are you calling muttonhead?
John Wyatt: Well, I... that is, I.
Mary Gordon: And just what are you doing here, I may ask?
John Wyatt: Well, I'm the new trail boss.
Mary Gordon: Well my name's Mary Gordon and my father owns this outfit. So from now on, it's 'Miss Gordon' to you, not 'muttonhead', you dumbbell!

Lt. Fletcher Christian: When you're back in England with the fleet again, you'll hear the hue and cry against me. From now on they'll spell mutiny with my name.

Toby Walker: Well dog my cats.

Porky Pig: Listen, my children, and you shall hear 'The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere'.