Trivia: Due to the rigorous stunts he performed, actor Robert Conrad would often rip out the seat of his already too tight pants.

Trivia: While shooting an early episode, Mark Slade fell from his horse and suffered a painful bruise when he landed very hard on the gun at his hip. After much pleading, he convinced the producers and the prop dept. to make a replica pistol out of rubber. Replaced by the real one only when it actually had to be fired, the fake gun remained in Blue Boy's holster for the rest of the show's run.

Trivia: The stiff-necked, humorless Sheriff Tankersley was a nose-thumbing parody of a real (and really unpopular) person. William Tankersley was a notoriously prissy network censor who was infamous at the time for trying (unsuccessfully) to stifle the naughty bits on All in the Family.

Mrs. Wharton and the Lesser Breeds - S10-E17
Trivia: A portion of the background music used during an outdoor scene in the town of Vallejo was later used as the theme song for "Little House On The Prairie."

Trivia: Dolores tells William: "They say great beasts once roamed this world, as big as mountains, but all that's left of them is bone and amber." This is a general allusion to dinosaurs, of course; but, more specifically, it's a tip-of-the-hat to "Jurassic Park," by author Michael Crichton, who also wrote The Original "Westworld." The theme of most of Crichton's science fiction was human shortsightedness resulting in scientific nightmares. Crichton's "Westworld" and "Jurassic Park" are virtually identical stories about scientific amusement parks running amok.

Trivia: Peter Billingsley of "A Christmas Story" plays Gideon in this episode. This was his television debut at age 11.

Trivia: Although they played father and son in this episode, Jack Elam was only six years older than Harry Dean Stanton.

The Return of Dr. Thackeray - S1-E35
Trivia: Steve, the cattlehand that Paladin shoots in this episode, is played by Johnny Western, who sang the theme song to "Have Gun - Will Travel."

Trivia: Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels had to do most of their own stunts.

Trivia: "Kung Fu" was not canceled due to poor ratings, as it performed solidly during its run. It was canceled due to the physical stress and abuse on David Carradine's body, and it was wearing him out.