Question: How can Lizzie's father have died in the fire when in an earlier season, Red killed him in the hospital when Lizzie was already an adult?

Question: Who sings the song "You Are My Sunshine" at the end of this episode?
Chosen answer: According to IMDb.com, it is Carly Simon.

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.

Question: In the hearing on the plate, the name is John P. Ryan. Is this correct? (00:11:45)
Answer: That's right, that's his name. "Jack" is a common nickname for John. I think the P is for Patrick.

Question: How is it that Butch doesn't get his hand back but Galavan's sister has full control over hers even though it was sliced off?
Answer: Tabitha got her hand sewn back on, Butch didn't.
Answer: The man Red killed, Sam Scott, was Lizzie's adoptive father, not her biological one. However, at that time Lizzie (and thus the audience), was led to believe her real father abandoned her and her mother, so expect more secrets to be revealed how her real father actually died (or if he's even actually dead).