Plot hole: The way slipstream works is wildly inconsistent across the show. Sometimes, they have to travel a significant distance to find the nearest slip point, and other times, when it's required by the plot, there's a slip point conveniently right next to the ship.
Suggested correction: How is this a mistake? Unless the points are evenly distributed and all close to each other, they are going to be different distances away.
Plot hole: The Jupiter 2 crew is duplicated; however, the aliens had never seen Penny (or Judy I think). How can they be duplicated? The aliens don't have ability to know who were there, or they wouldn't have questioned Smith about the crew. Also, they do not know Smith and Will are hiding. So, they don't arm to have any special power to know beyond what they actually observe.
Plot hole: In the pilot, it is established that the surface of anything/anyone made invisible by "quicksilver" is freezing. (Darien gets caught in the women's shower because the mist freezes on him. He freezes the beer mugs for the doctors.) But in later episodes, nobody notices him standing invisible - and freezing!? - next to them.
France: October, 2089 AD - S1-E12
Plot hole: If the Tripods can turn adults into 1600's puppets complete with fox hunts, why, when they are pursuing the boys, don't they set such adults to helping them catch the boys?
The Book of Blood: Chapter Two: The Perdi - S2-E6
Plot hole: When announcing the 14 deaths, they make a generic statement to the friends and family of everyone in the pods, without first telling the affected families directly?! There's no way this would be dealt with like that - not least as they all then seem shocked that the parents start a riot/panic about whether their children are dead or not. Anyone with half a brain cell would have seen that coming a mile off. Not to mention that later on we discover one of the parents STILL hasn't been told if his daughter's alive or not. If this was a coverup or otherwise secret they wouldn't have said anything - there's no reason to announce the deaths but not clarify who died.