Question: How is the couple, mother played by Mandy Moore, able to adopt the orphaned kid? Given they're a poor couple with two kids already, wouldn't the hospital hold off on this for awhile and try locating the child's parents?
Answer: Because that would not have made for an interesting TV series.
Question: When Joey and Melissa tried to catch Bianca cheating on camera, why did she suddenly refuse their advances after she already "made a pass" at each of them? She says that this is her wedding day, but then she has sex with her two stylists. So cheating on the day of her wedding is not an issue for her.
Answer: Apparently, she already planned the encounter with the stylists, so she doesn't have time to be with Joey and/or Melissa now.
Question: Why is Ursula in this show portrayed differently to how Phoebe's twin is on Friends? They're meant to be the same character.
Answer: Just think about your own life, I am sure you do not act the same with your siblings or close friends as you do with a stranger (because that is what the Buchmans essentially are to Ursula). In Mad About You, she is an extremely bad waitress and in Friends she is a jerk - those are not mutually exclusive character traits. This can also be seen in the Friends episode when Jamie and Fran are in Central Perk and run into Phoebe who answers their questions in an aloof manner and they assume it's Ursula. Is Phoebe always aloof? No. But she was to strangers asking her weird questions. Also, Ursula has been aloof with Phoebe as well (like in the one where they all turn 30 or the one where the grandmother passes away, etc).
Answer: The writers have the freedom develop the character to suit the different shows' plots. They wanted to create a certain dynamic between Phoebe and Ursula that was rather contentious and strained because it made for more tension and conflict and showcased the differences that kept the sisters estranged.
Question: At the time of filming this show, Jared Leto was 21 and Claire Danes was 14. How were they legally allowed to make out? I understand parental consent was undoubtedly required, but where exactly would the line be drawn regarding age, as I doubt they could have had them make out if Danes was only 12 for example.
Chosen answer: For one, these are professional actors on a film set for a major production so some leeway would be given. Additionally, in the United States at least, kissing is not generally considered sexual contact from a legal standpoint. Kissing does not involve any private parts. Even in cases where kissing is considered sexual contact, the intention of the accused party would be taken into account. A sexual violation requires the desire for gratification from the accused. A hired actor kissing another actor because it is in the script does not rise to the level of someone seeking sexual gratification. He's literally doing his job.
Question: What is the name of the song that plays at the end of the last episode of season 1, when Ryan is leaving in the car and Seth in his boat?
Answer: Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley.
Answer: Where did you get that they were poor? they were middle class and had their own home.