Stay Out Of The Basement (2) - S1-E13
Stupidity: When the real Dr. Brewer is found in the basement, he has duct tape over his mouth and needs his daughter to remove it for him. His hands are tied around the wrist, but not behind his back, so he could have easily removed the tape from his mouth himself long before he was found.

Stupidity: Damon and Stefan are trying to get Elena's humanity back - they could have just asked Rebekkah or Klaus or Elijah to compel her to turn it on.

The Farting Sex Tourist - S1-E4
Stupidity: Joel finds prints in Serbian and is stressed because they'll never find someone to translate Serbian in Santa Clarita, goes to great lengths to interact with the principal's Serbian grandmother, etc. Google translate can understand Serbian just fine, but this doesn't even occur to him.
Suggested correction: Except the 16th century Serbian alphabet isn't available to most people to type into google translate. Plus the script used makes it difficult to distinguish which character is which sometimes even if you could find characters to cut and paste tediously into google translate.

Stupidity: This highly prepared organisation knows Dracula is coming, but comes armed with guns they're not prepared to use, and allow him to grab a weapon and shoot one of them. Then they give him a tablet but assign the most basic of passwords to the Wi-Fi, rather than disabling it entirely, or even just giving him a Kindle, given the only point of it was access to books. Plot-serving idiocy.

Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up - S2-E28
Stupidity: The whole plot is based upon 6 people not being able to spot the seventh (odd man out). We can eliminate the couples, the driver remembers the pretty blond getting on the bus and the crazy old guy would stick in anybodies memory, so it leaves only the sour old guy in the coat and hat as the martian.Also all the troopers has to do was ask for IDs which they do but quit after they ask the crazy old guy for his.

Stupidity: When Franklin and Tara are hooking up at the motel, it appears that sunlight is shining through the windows. Franklin is unaffected.

Worlds Apart - S1-E2
Stupidity: The bad guy kills the deputy in the swamp, then later sees a little girl who witnesses the killing run away. He then searches the boat for a weapon and runs off after her after he finds a machete, without even considering the officer's gun still in its holster. Abby proceeds to make the exact same mistake later when she finds the dead officer (meaning there's danger nearby) and hears the girl screaming and runs in the direction of the screaming without taking the gun to protect herself.

Stupidity: The Resistance is a rescue team that helps the various protagonists escape schools. They do this by leaving intricate hints that lead to a detour to the school alarm instead of going straight there, setting off the alarm and rescuing the protagonists.

And All Through the House - S1-E2
Stupidity: The woman could've blamed her husband's death on the maniac, she didn't need to go outside to retrieve his body.

Welcome to Hotel del Luna - S1-E1
Stupidity: The Mayor realises that Man-wol has approached him and taken out her rifle to shoot him with. Yet during the entire time she takes to aim the rifle at him and fire, the Mayor makes no attempt to flee the stage for his own protection. (00:38:15)

The Tale of the Dream Girl - S3-E10
Stupidity: A boy walking through the bowling alley stops and lets Johnny pass, even though Johnny is supposed to be a ghost no one can see.

Camp Redwood - S9-E1
Stupidity: Brooke leaves her apartment window open as she sleeps, even after telling her friends that serial killers (like The Night Stalker) strike during the summer when everybody leaves their windows open.

Who, What, Where, Wendigo? - S2-E10
Stupidity: Dwight, Audrey, and Nathan all know Dwight's trouble is that all bullets are attracted to him, so why is he with them when they go looking for the killer, knowing every one is using a gun?

Living Hell - S1-E8
Stupidity: When the villain reveals to the doctor that he plans to transplant her brain into his own head, the doctor tells him it isn't possible because the brain can't survive outside the head. Forgetting to mention the fact that he will die the instant he takes his own brain out, making it rather difficult to complete the procedure, that is, if he didn't pass out from the pain of opening up his own skull first.

Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt - S3-E8
Stupidity: SPOILERS AHEAD: It has been a good minute between Hopper killing Grigory and Joyce turning the key. He could have used that time to run as quickly as he can towards her, instead of staring at her for 30 seconds. Also, Dustin didn't have to yell (through the radio) so panicky yet about closing the gate. While Mind Flayer was killing Billy, El and other kids could have used the time to run further again and get another 2-3 minutes, in that time Hopper would surely come to a safe place.