Revealing mistake: When Leland Palmer is locked in the cell he starts screaming and runs headlong into one wall, then the other. The first wall wobbles noticeably on impact, indicating it is being shot on a set.

Revealing mistake: We see Redfield's car strike the invisible barrier from a side angle. It jerks to a stop and the hood flies up, but there's no other front end damage - until the angle shifts to a forward view, a shot of an identical car that had been previously wrecked. Now there's suddenly considerable damage to the front end, and the hood is in a different, much more crumpled position. (00:11:10)

Revealing mistake: When Bumblebee is knocked onto his side, Ratchet kneels down to shove him back onto his wheels. The only problem is that when Bumblebee drives away, the animators forgot to add Ratchet's leg (that was previously obscured) into the frame.

Revealing mistake: A recycled shot from an earlier episode causes Bob to enter the room wearing one costume and then suddenly be wearing another when he turns to begin his scene with Dresden and co. (00:11:50)

Revealing mistake: When Billy lies dead in the morgue and the President fixes his hair while saying, "That's better." we can see Billy's throat move as he swallows.

Revealing mistake: When morphing, a "Net" appears over the Rangers, which their Zeo powers then morph them over. Tommy and Tanya's nets don't match their bodies - for example, their shoulders aren't in the net, yet they disappear when their Ranger costume appears.

Revealing mistake: When Connor and Cameron are trying to save Derek Reese from the police truck, Cameron walks on the Jeep's hood to jump onto the police truck. During her walk, we can see that it isn't Cameron but a stunt double. She doesn't look like Cameron and is a bit taller. (00:33:05)

Revealing mistake: At the very end Vince is DJing with the cobra, and when the cobra starts dancing you can see the fishing wire attached to the snake to make it move.

Revealing mistake: The eyes of the actor playing Gideon the robot can be seen through the eye slits of the robot mask in some shots.

Sins of the Fathers Chapter 1: Doctor Strange - S3-E1
Revealing mistake: When Mary Jane and the other servants of Baron Mordo are flying through the city, they literally disappear into thin air. Probably a problem with rendering the 2D animation within the 3D animation. (00:01:00)

Revealing mistake: In the bakery, Will plays a lively tune on the concertina - without touching any of the button-keys necessary to play the notes. (00:26:15)

Gillian Of The Spirits - S2-E3
Revealing mistake: When the nude lady closes the door, look closely - you can see the edge of her pink bra right under the bar. (00:43:30)

Revealing mistake: When Wanda traps Magneto in the force field thing, for one shot, Magneto is missing a sleeve on one arm, then it comes back a shot later.

The Dark Network of Etemon - S1-E15
Revealing mistake: Watch the scene where Biyomon and Palmon are eating. A Pagumon passes, Biyomon turns her head and then has two beaks. Obviously a frame overlap.

Episode II - The Samurai Called Jack - S1-E2
Revealing mistake: When Jack cuts the flying car's hood off, he slashes it vertically, but it is cut horizontally.

Revealing mistake: 3-2 "Walk Slowly": When Vincent brings her body back to the apartment and places her on the bed, the "dead" Catherine is visibly breathing. (00:03:30)

Revealing mistake: When Shalimar is getting ready to leap on Gabriel, there is a quick glimpse of support wires attached to her.

Revealing mistake: The stunt double's wig in the sword fight at the end is messy and disheveled, yet when it cuts to a close up of Sydney, her hair is silky and flat.

Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire - S2-E2
Revealing mistake: When the cops find the body in the hotel room, the actor playing the body is visibly breathing when he's supposed to be dead.

Revealing mistake: The swords Jayden and Dekker use often bend when striking each other, revealing they are rubber blades and not metal.