Question: Why exactly was Dick Dastardly so anxious to capture Yankee Doodle Pigeon?

Question: On the IMDB, the credits for each episode in season 1 (except for episode 8) list "Unity" as playing "Themselves" or "Themself", sometimes listed as uncredited and some times not. However I never saw Unity listed in any credits on the show itself. (It should be noted, I'm not talking about the character Unity from season 2 which was voiced by Christina Hendricks). Looking further on IMDB, Unity has appeared on a dance show where it appears Unity is a dance crew and not an individual with a weird name. So whom is Unity playing in a cartoon if they're just dancers and not voice actors? Did the dance crew actually do any voice work or help with any dance scenes, even though they're just drawings and not motion captured?

Question: Is Pidge a boy or a girl?
Chosen answer: I don't think it's ever said. I always assumed Pidge was a boy, and I'm not sure why. I think because it was a man who did the voice.
She is a girl it is made clear she is a girl in episode 5 season 1. It is also made apparent she is a girl in season 8.

Question: Why does Vicky hate Timmy so much?
Answer: I don't think Vicky necessarily hates Timmy. She is just a malicious and sadistic person.

Question: Did Darth Maul's return in this series cause big controversy among Star Wars fans?
Answer: I would say his death in Phantom Menace was more of a controversy. He was a fan favorite character from the movie, and his fight scene largely regarded as the best part of the movie. It was more he was brought back to please the Star Wars fans and few, if any, had problems with it.

Question: How did the streetcar, phone booths, and vending machines end up in the digiworld?
Answer: We are never told as to how they got there.
Answer: People who built the digital world most likely had them sent there. Gennai tells the kids in the last episode that the streetcar was from San Francisco, and he asked them to take it back for him.

Question: Who is Raven and where did they come from?
Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.

Question: Was this show cancelled or simply ended?

Question: The show's theme song is played at the start of each episode. For the life of me, I cannot understand the first line. "...back to the past, Samurai Jack." What is that first line of that theme?
Chosen answer: Gotta get back, back to the past...

Question: In what episode does the dad ask Gene why he is dressed like Dexy from Dexy's Midnight Runners?
Answer: S04e15, "The Kids Rob a Train."

Arnold's Hat/Stoop Kid - S1-E3
Question: Did Harold already know that the Stoop Kid had just left his stoop the first time? He would have known that a while ago due to a large crowd in the city or even in the newspaper.
Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.

Question: Does anyone know why Gambit was featured less and less in episodes as the show went on? He was one of the most popular characters in not just X-Men, but all of Marvel Comics around the time this series first aired, so unless it had something to do with his voice actor's contract, it seems odd they wouldn't have utilized him more.
Answer: Chris Potter, the original Gambit voice actor, did indeed quit the role in the 4th season. His last episode was The Phalanx Covenant Part 1 so it seems reasonable that Fox would limit the use of the character even though it was recast. It doesn't appear that Potter left the role due to animosity, he stated in an interview that he wished to play Gambit in the first live action X-Men film.

Question: We never found out what the ham and chicken bones had to do with anything. They were ham and chicken until Scooby ate them. Afterwards, Shaggy wonders why the ghost would keep ham and chicken in the fridge. This was never answered in the episode. Why were they important?
Chosen answer: A ghost wouldn't have to keep any food in the fridge - they don't need to eat. So it is one thing that proves the ghost is not a ghost.

Heavy Meddle/Making the Case - S1-E2
Question: In "Making the Case", why were Luan and Lily angry with Lincoln about the video? He didn't record any embarrassing footage of them.
Answer: Luan is mad at him because he broke the unspoken rule of posting a video without the person's consent. Lily is a baby and is probably impersonating the older sisters she looks up to. They are mad so she is mad.

Chosen answer: The general consensus is that Big Bird is a canary; however, according to Wikipedia, he's also been described as a condor as well as an ibis. The one constant factor is that regardless of his species, Big Bird is always eight feet, two inches tall and flightless.

Question: Where did Kim get all of these gadgets?
Answer: From technogenius Wade. There's at least one scene in the show where she gets some new gadgets from him.

Question: Why does Xana hate humans so much?
Answer: It's not a matter of hate but of achieving superiority and domination. X.A.N.A.'s objective is to conquer the real-world, control all computers, and enslave every human being.
Xana's objective is also to destroy Lyoko. I don't know why he would want that since without Lyoko he can't activate any more towers, and activating towers is how he launches attacks.

Question: Can someone PLEASE explain the ending? The whole show was pretty confusing, particularly why everything disappeared at the end, why people lost their memories, etc.
Chosen answer: The show was originally planned to have a second season, but then it was dropped because of low ratings in Japan, thus the abrupt ending leaving everything unexplained and out in the open. Still, the show was so popular on TV in the US that The Cartoon Network decided to finance the production of the second season, which is right now coming out on DVD (I think the first three volumes are already out). This should end up tying everything nicely.

The Scorn of the Star Sapphire! - S3-E5
Question: Star Sapphire was given a red ring by some aliens and has powers similar to Green Lantern's. Is this supposed to be like the power of will that is green, but the power of another emotion but red? Or is it something else?
Chosen answer: The rings represent what is called the "Emotional Spectrum". Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Where Green is the representation of will, the Star Sapphires are given violet rings, which represent the emotion of love.
Answer: During the First World War, pigeons were used to carry messages across the battle lines. Yankee Doodle is carrying some sort of American orders or intelligence.
Brian Katcher