Deliberate mistake: When Wonder Woman is bouncing around in the padded room, there's one part where you can tell the stunt double is not Wonder Woman.

Deliberate mistake: As the Wraith "stun bomb" activates at the SGC and everyone falls to the ground, it is visible how everyone uses their arms to dampen the fall.

Deliberate mistake: When the T-Ship is hit from the blast from the exploding space station, it spins around for a while before it re-stabilizes. Just before it does so, look out of Raven's canopy: the background outside with the stars and even a planet spin as the ship does, whereas realistically it should remain calm and stable.

Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 - S6-E8
Deliberate mistake: During the big battle, Arrow is knocked down and when he opens his eyes, the reflection in his eyes is tilted over to give the sense he's seeing things sideways. But the reflection should still have shown the proper orientation no matter what orientation his eye was at. Think of looking into a mirror and then rotating the mirror to the side, the reflection wouldn't rotate.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene when the timer exceeds 38 minutes, said timer is displayed in big digits on a computer screen. There is a shot of General Hammond with the Stargate in the background. There is a pane of glass between the General and the Stargate. In the shot, General Hammond turns and looks at the gate, and then the camera's focus changes from the General to the Stargate itself. In doing so, a reflection of the timer in the pane of glass is also brought into focus. However the timer is displayed correctly when it should be flipped left to right as all text is when it is reflected in either a pane of glass or a mirror. On the DVD, the writers revealed that this was done on purpose so that the viewer would have a concept of the time running out even when the timer wasn't in shot. (00:17:30)

What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger? - S1-E1
Deliberate mistake: When Peggy and Steve are studying the map where the 107th Army division is held captive, the names on the map are nonsensical names that do not even follow German spelling or standards for place names ("Farfignugen," "Dädtenorth," and "Rosskjhberg," for instance). Most of them are also reused, appearing several times on the same map. This is most likely done deliberately so as to avoid any resemblance to real places, but still looks out of place and illogical. (00:11:27)

Deliberate mistake: Several shots have been taken from Series 1, including the group of guards firing in the hangar bay, and various shots of the shuttles during the chase.

Deliberate mistake: Season 2, episode 6 "Identity Crisis": When Bizarro starts decaying into the parody form of Superman, his costume goes with it; the blue fades, and even the 'S' insignia changes. Strange that superhero garments change right alongside their wearers when they suffer from an unstable genetic effect. Were the clothes cloned right onto his body, instead of sewn?

The Garden of Evil Affair - S1-E8
Deliberate mistake: The bad guys chase Mark through a movie studio backlot past a London bus with a large red "Out of Service" sign on its side. During the ensuing shoot-out scene, the film is reversed for some reason, and the sign on the bus is suddenly backwards. (00:24:20)

The Pieces of Fate Affair - S3-E23
Deliberate mistake: Because lawyers for real-life review columnist Judith Merrill were not amused by the parody of her and sued, the name Judith Merle is very obviously dubbed over throughout the episode (and changed in the credits) to Jody Moore. (00:32:50)

Deliberate mistake: Many of the Rangers in the Legendary Battle could not be there since they were portrayed by the same person. All 3 Rockys, all 3 Adams, and both Jasons and Kimberlys were all present.

Deliberate mistake: To fix the error of the Enterprise firing phasers from the torpedo bay, the Blu-ray version uses footage from "The Best of Both Worlds" to show phasers firing from the dorsal emitter. In doing so, they created a new goof; the planet El Adrel is not visible in the background during these shots.
Suggested correction: I rewatched the original version on the old DVDs. El Adrel wasn't visible in the original either, so this is not a new error.

Formidable Enemy!? Mother Coordinator Enters! - S7-E37
Deliberate mistake: This Pokémon Trainer's Choice segment incorrectly claims that Arbok evolves into Seviper, which isn't true. (00:11:38)

Genesis (2) - September 13, 1956 - S1-E2
Deliberate mistake: When Sam ejects and lands on the ground, the closeup is a flipped shot, note the "US Air Force" is backwards on Sam's helmet. (00:19:10)

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the episode, all the police station clocks are still and show the same time (3:33) in different scenes. (00:18:55)

Deliberate mistake: After Bud overhears the plans for Flipper, he decides to hide his dolphin. When he boards the skiff, there are two flipped wide shots before they head out. Note the reversed dock, launch, and "Whaler" on the skiff.

The High Life / Best Friends - S2-E10
Deliberate mistake: In "The High Life", there is a scene where Stinky submerges his head in a tank of water. He delivers the line, "Gee willickers, it's still ticking", and everyone somehow understands what he is saying with his head underwater.
Suggested correction: Nobody responds to what Stinky says, so there's no reason to assume that everyone understood him.

The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 2 - S6-E8
Deliberate mistake: There's an awkward moment during Cecile and Kamilla's escape from Bloodwork's minions where Cecile doesn't close the door for several seconds so the cameraman can walk through as they follow them.

Destination Moon: Part 2 - S3-E10
Deliberate mistake: The shot of the plane landing in Syldavia at the start of the episode, after the recap of part one, is merely the exact same shot of the plane landing in Syldavia at the start of the previous episode. Note the vehicles on the ground are completely identical and the plane, as well as its movements are also identical. (00:25:00)

Deliberate mistake: We see the Air Force plane's bomb bay doors come open. But in the next shot of the plane banking, the doors are instantly closed again. (00:45:20)